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[2015-12-05] Chris Martin interview with SPIEGEL (Germany)

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Some very interesting facts about AHFOD and personal facts about Chris.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Martin, your last album "Ghost Stories" 2014 sounded somber and melancholy. And it was not as successful as its predecessors. Do you have an explanation?


Martin: Maybe it was for most moments in life is not the right music. But the album helps if you're a bit confused or even depressed. It helps in the hours in which you just have to get through somehow.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Amazingly seems their new album "A Head Full of Dreams" is now to be the exact opposite. The songs are called "Fun" or "Hymn for the Weekend", some are club fit - suddenly all sounds very cheerful.


Martin: We knew while we were recording "Ghost Stories" that we would have to remain the same in the studio to record immediately following the way into the light. At the end of "Ghost Stories", it became a bit brighter. And that led directly to "A Head Full of Dreams," which celebrates the life. "Ghost Stories" was the night drive. And now comes the day.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: That you can do so? I'm depressed for a while, then the next album but again misleading in a good mood?


Martin: No, it was bad. For me it was really bad. But the one thing I've learned is, if I'm going through a tough time, I must not run away. It would have been so easy to distract herself with drugs or alcohol. And the dark feelings to deny thereby. Do not let them naturally through you go and run away: But in "Ghost Stories" I speak of, wait out the darkness in your mind.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Have you learned in therapy?


Martin: Especially Viktor Frankl speaks of the Viennese psychotherapist. His book "... still say yes to life" has helped me a lot ...


SPIEGEL ONLINE: But as it comes to a man in the concentration camp. Frankl describes in how he tries, also under the inhuman conditions in Auschwitz wrest with mental force meaning to life.


Martin: Viktor Frankl, as well as the poet Rumi, a Sufi mystic from the 13th century, both say that, whatever happens to you, the end is good for you, a blessing, a blessing, even if it initially not look like it. And if you just can stand the evil, if you can make it whatever it wants, sometimes flowers will sprout.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: It's that simple?


Martin: Of course it's not easy at all.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: What was really so bad?


Martin: In my life a few changes were happening, as you may know. I separated from my wife, we have two children. Moreover - You seem about as old as I am and to be able to understand the might: to become a man in the 21st century is not easy. If you realize at once that you are grown up quite a bit worrying stuff comes up to you.




Martin: In "Ghost Stories" was it thus to the question: How do I keep from my own personal problems, but also all the depressing, crazy stuff in the world? How can I get that all this does not completely overwhelmed me and overruns?


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Are the questions for rock music?


Martin: Sure. You have to take note of what is tragically happened in Paris, a band goes on stage and their audience is mowed down, and of course you have to take note of that war is just which started again - but you need to ask the same: Where is the Progress? Where is the evolution, so, where is the good?


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Perhaps there is just no good.


Martin: They find it always. Believe me.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: You obviously know how to do it.


Martin: I did not invent it. I have found through the studies of these authors, especially by Rumi ...


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Forgive me, but that sounds so strange, a mystic from the present-day Afghanistan ...


Martin read the poem "The inn", we have it set to music on the new album to some extent. The Buddhists say that everything happens to you, is good. At the end, all that happens to you, to your advantage. I admit, it takes a while to get that truly understands. I still do not understand all of that stuff.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: What does that have to do with Coldplay's music?


Martin: It's easy to stay depressed. But it does not necessarily fun. It's good when you see that other people have gone through similar dark phases. You begin to understand how your father must have felt when he was 36th You have children and are concerned about the world in which they will live. But other people have gone through before thee. All this is also in the music.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Go as a frontman with your depression, over which you have spoken, the rest of the band is not on your nerves?


Martin: That was worse. Ten years ago, we all lived in the same place, saw us every day. Brian Eno, who then produced our albums, has said: You spend too much time together. You need a break from each other. Today I live, for example, mostly here in Los Angeles. For weeks, we do not see us, since all are in the band, I think especially grateful that we have.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: You are the boss in the band?


Martin: Yes. We are a democracy.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Everyone says Singer.


Martin: I certainly bring a lot of ideas in the band, but that does not make me the boss. Anyone can say no. Sometimes I get into the studio and say: Can we please so and so and record all such: Nope. For example, we have turned to our single "Adventures of a Lifetime" a very complicated video, can animate where we as a monkey. But we could not afford financially us first ...


SPIEGEL ONLINE: They have sold 80 million pop albums. You say you could not afford a video?


Martin: It was very expensive. In addition, we were far from being on tour. We needed assistance in order to pay for these very expensive animations. Beats, the headphone manufacturer ...


SPIEGEL ONLINE: ... who now belongs to Apple.


Martin: ... was willing to pay our video. Not everyone in the band has thus immediately felt comfortable. It took some time and a lot of conversations, if you like, until everyone has had so far. But we would not have otherwise made it.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: From the singers great stadium bands it's always, they got sometime problems distinguish their two egos: the on stage, leading 80,000 people, and that which comes from the stage and has to deal with reality.


Martin: At the moment it goes. The pleasant effect of this that we have not been on tour, is that I feel quite human since a relatively long time. It's true: When you play a big concert, the blows to your ego. Your adrenaline goes crazy. It is difficult to be normal afterwards, so if you want to feel. But we did not play a big show for three years. That's why I'm probably over just okay.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Coldplay conjure up for all the success of many well rejection, even hatred.


Martin: No question.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: The other band that could think of one, turn on the similar number of people who are your friends of U2.


Martin: Right. Always plan. By Till-Hammer.




Martin: You do not know when the German Till-Hammer? Till Lindemann of Rammstein. But he has this heavy hammer with which he strikes the skin at the shows anywhere. That's his move. Named after him. No matter what was the question?


SPIEGEL ONLINE: The question was, how much makes you that. Whether you understand what your critics talk. There are indeed no madman on the Internet, but sometimes music critic in reputable media such as the "New York Times" or the "New Yorker".


Martin: There are some. The most glaring is probably the 2005 from the "New York Times".


SPIEGEL ONLINE: "The Case Against Coldplay".


Martin: The thing is: It's okay. It's just music. We love her. We are very proud of our band. The people who want to hear us, hear us. Those who do not want, not need. Music is like a restaurant: if thou wilt come and eat here wonderful. But we do not force you.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Well, then you do not go back there. That's something else.


Martin: That does the cooking certainly hurt also. Seriously, anyone who is really big, causes rejection. I'm sure you feel the same way. When you write your articles and then look in the comments ...


SPIEGEL ONLINE: No good idea.


Martin: I remember the way well to the "New York Times" article that you responded, although it's been ten years. At the time, that was tough. Over time I've learned to ask myself what one could draw from this good?




Martin: The good thing is, it forces us to stay focused and not to be complacent.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: You get no self-doubt, if you read something like that?


Martin: In the "New York Times" article, the author has then addressed a few points with which he was right. And we have it changed then. Many in the text was actually plain hatred, but were otherwise useful information.




Martin: That will not betray. Besides: our previous album "X & Y" was really too long. Too complacent. Half would have been good. Read the comments below really not your articles?


SPIEGEL ONLINE: The Hateful not.


Martin: I do not either. Makes a not happy, right?




Source: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/musik/coldplay-interview-mit-chris-martin-zu-a-head-full-of-dreams-a-1066226.html

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