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Eyes are amazing and make connections between people. Whether you have blue eyes like the wonderful Chris, green eyes like me and the amazing song, deep brown eyes which are beautiful in so many ways, hazel eyes that supposedely means you're a fun person or you wear coloured contacts, tha's cool too. Eyes are beautiful.

It's weird because I just said that about how beautiful eyes are but I find eye contact quite awkward and hate it when people touch their eyes, makes me go all shivery.


Which thread do you post in the most and which coldplayer do you speak too most frequently?:)

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I am married. I have 3 husbands from different times and different worlds.

- Tim Rice-Oxley is my only from this world. Our wedding was very simple, but lovely. We got married on the beach in Bexhill, right next to The Sovereign Light Cafe. Tim wrote a song for me.

- Kili was my first husband from Middle Earth. We had a very festive party (as you can imagine, the dwarves were quite a noisy, jolly, bunch of partiers), and we got married in a gold filled cave. Kili wore the most magnificent armour, and I was wearing a dress studded with diamonds and gold.

- Pippin is my current husband from Middle Earth. I married him after Kili died. Our wedding was in the evening, and was full of feasting and dancing and singing. Of coarse there were fireworks and we stayed up late into the night watching them.


Do you like using your imagination?

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I wouldn't want to be anyone else, I'm grateful for what I have and who I have, although I'm struggling with school stuff at the minute and hate it, I'm sure most people go through it.

I'm not denying the fact I'd like to be married to Chris Martin or Damon Albarn though ;).


If you could spend one day with anyone person in the world, who would you spend it with?

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Chris Martin. I'd do the stereotypical thing of thanking him for the bands music and how much of a difference it's made for me. I'd want to go get a milkshake or something then we could watch back to the future. Then we could just go for a really long walk and have a deep conversation :).



If you could have one superhero power, what would you have and why?

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