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Angel at his table

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Will you take me with you?? :D I'd love to do something like that, but I'm afraid parents won't let me go on my own now:lol:

lol, yes I can take you with me, but only if you behave well. :p I'm afraid that my parents won't let me go on my own either, so I'm trying to persuade my friend to go with me! :laugh4:

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lol, yes I can take you with me, but only if you behave well. :p I'm afraid that my parents won't let me go on my own either, so I'm trying to persuade my friend to go with me! :laugh4:


Hey! You don't have to persuade anybody! I'm going with you!:D

I'm a good girl :devil:

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'cause most of young czech people are pretty obsessed with america and its bands. (IMHO)
like everyone, I think. i mean, they all think that only American bands are worth listening...:rolleyes:


why don't you talk to us more here? don't just watch! :P

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Hey Rick, Im not THAT new indeed. I just don't have much time to post on the boards even though I'd like to. (I'm too busy with school and all that :rolleyes:) Hopefully, I'll have a little more time in the future.


to Magda; That's what Natalie says, but I swear that absolutely NONE of that is true! XD

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This thread is dying,lets keep it busy! :)


I'll do my best. Well, I was at a gig on Monday. It was a Czech band, called Support Lesbiens (an original name indeed, they're not gays :lol:) and it was amazing. One of the best gigs I've been to. Anyways, I hope I'll visit some music festivals in summer. In Hradec Králové - it's about 300km from the place I live, there'll be a festival called Rock For People. And the main artists are The Hives and The Killers, and also Flipsyde. I'm dying to go there!

Do you have any festival plans for summer?

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I'll do my best. Well, I was at a gig on Monday. It was a Czech band, called Support Lesbiens (an original name indeed, they're not gays :lol:) and it was amazing. One of the best gigs I've been to. Anyways, I hope I'll visit some music festivals in summer. In Hradec Králové - it's about 300km from the place I live, there'll be a festival called Rock For People. And the main artists are The Hives and The Killers, and also Flipsyde. I'm dying to go there!

Do you have any festival plans for summer?

I've heard that Muse will perform in Brno... :) What kind of music do Support Lesbiens make? LOL, their name is kinda funny :p

I wanna go to the Frequency Festival, but I ain't no money. I'll see. But I'll go to Mad Caddies gig here in my town (!!!) and on Njoki festival if I won't have any exams during that weekend.

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I've heard that Muse will perform in Brno... :) What kind of music do Support Lesbiens make? LOL, their name is kinda funny :p

I wanna go to the Frequency Festival, but I ain't no money. I'll see. But I'll go to Mad Caddies gig here in my town (!!!) and on Njoki festival if I won't have any exams during that weekend.


Muse?? In Brno?? Wow, I've gotta go there :D Well, Support Lesbiens do kinda rock, sometimes soft rock/pop, and sometimes hard rock, but not that hard that you might imagine :lol: Well, it's got its own melody, and it's catchy. Nina, I could send you some songs, if you like;)



@Rick: Yeah, I know :rolleyes2: I've read somewhere that they didn't know how to call the band, and this was the first name that came to mind :lol: But it's strange indeed.

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Well, I wrote they play rock, but it's not that true. When they were younger, they played rock, but now it's going into pop, I think. But it helped them to get the songs to radios, and they're well-known now. I decided to send some songs here, so

this is an old one, the rock one, I think, it's called M.F.Stealing (and the beginning is LOL):




I'll send some new later;)

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