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Angel at his table

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In Hradec Krรกlovรฉ - it's about 300km from the place I live, there'll be a festival called Rock For People. And the main artists are The Hives and The Killers, and also Flipsyde. I'm dying to go there!

Do you have any festival plans for summer?

I'm not keen on seeing other bands that perfom at Rock For People this year. Meh, IMHO most of them are crap so this festival is not worth my money.

Anyway, I would love to see The Killers live but I'd rather go to their separate concert. :)



I'm glad you like it:P

Well, I told the news to my friends and they think it's "made up" :rolleyes2:


At least I think so. But Placebo are going to Brno for a gig this summer...so the truth is that you never know what's possible or what's not. LOL

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oh yeah, perhaps i've seen Placebo playing in Brno, but mixed it up with Muse :laugh4:


Hey :P You lied to me :P

But I wouldn't go to see Placebo, even though they'll perform 18km from the place I live. I'd go there, if the ticket was cheap :D

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Hey :P You lied to me :P

But I wouldn't go to see Placebo, even though they'll perform 18km from the place I live. I'd go there, if the ticket was cheap :D

unintentionally..:embarassed: lol :D you don't like Placebo?

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I love the lyric in your signature, eglantine. That's classic!

I even named one of my photographs 'Strawberry fields forever' because that song is one of my all time favourites. :D

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hey guys:) i'm back from england, it was awesome there!

we went around earls court, so i thought i'd post it here, cause i can remember the huge photo of coldplay on earls court's wall.




if you like, i could send some more photos.:)

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yay, Magda, yes, post more pictures, please!!!! was it nice?



Yeah, it was great:) I loved it, and I'd love to go there next year as well, altough my mum thinks that it was enough and she wants to send me to France or somewhere else :lol:

Okay, here are some more photos, I chose some with myself:)

Crazy Czechs:



In Romans Bath




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WOW wnderful pictures! I really like the Stonehenge photo, it's so green, and rocks are soooo bigg! :stunned:


Thank you very much:)

Really? When I saw Stonehenge for the first time, I just thought that I had thought it was much bigger. :D I expected more from that. And everything was VERY expensive in the souvenir shop, so I bought just some chocolate for my family, cause I felt strange because I bought many things for myself and almost nothing for my family.:D

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I confess :lol: But, it's hard to go round all those things you like and don't buy it:laugh4:


I understand it as well. It's pretty hard to resist.


I remember as I was standing in front of some AMAZING books full of photograhpy of England in one of the London shops. Hell, they looked so pretty but I didn't buy any. I hate myself for that now. LOL

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I understand it as well. It's pretty hard to resist.


I remember as I was standing in front of some AMAZING books full of photograhpy of England in one of the London shops. Hell, they looked so pretty but I didn't buy any. I hate myself for that now. LOL


Oh God, how could you? :lol:

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