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R. SEXY Williams is rite now in Mexico!...see pics in here!


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Robbie will be taking his Greatest Hits album over the Atlantic this week as he embarks on a whistle stop promotional tour of Latin America.

Arriving in Mexico City on Monday 15th November Robbie will fill the following eight days with performances, photoshoots, interviews, press conferences… and maybe even a little bit of Argentinean football.


After a day of interviews on the Tuesday, Robbie is set to appear on the Otro Rollo show where he will be interviewed and will perform four tracks live in the studio. He will remain in Mexico City on the Wednesday to record a performance for No Manches followed by an intimate VIP radio and TV showcase for Televisa and Alfa 91.3 fm in front of just 300 people, mostly competition winners.






lol...Otro Rollo is a TV show where Adal Ramones [tv host] has a very particular way of interviewing the artists invited there...he always tried something new/funny/sarcastic or lets say non usual interactions...so the artist have a different interaction with tv host and audience...


once Enrique Iglesias was there...and Adal got burned because of a stupid game he tried to play with him...also BSB...Britney Spears...C. Aguilera...Coldplay...Elton John...etc...etc...have been there...


RW knows the "kind" of tv show it is...so this time RW asked to have just a chat as Coldplay had when they came to the TV show...so smart!...lol...he doesn´t want any surprises... :lol:


well...we´ll see what happens tonite!...tomorrow I´ll bring the scoop!... :sneaky:

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aaaaaaaahahaha...I dont watch TV :cool:


I mean that kind of crap...I hate both TV shows... :lol: ...but chaparro is so kewl...


tonite I wont be away of the TV not for a sec!... I wont answer the phone...or cel...or so...I´m death for everybody!... :lol: :P


dont bother me I´m watching RW... :cool: ...new slogan!... :lol:

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he is Denisse!..he is so spontaneous...hilarious...sensitive...ironic...handsome...sexy...:thinking:...wait...seems like I´m describing to guy too... :idea2: ....aaaaaaaaaaa :lol: :lol: ...great...but robbie has something else...that´s it!... :cool:

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the show was amazing, robbie sang 4 track live there... Radio (he went closer to the audience and all the girls were over him to hug him and kiss him!), come undone, angels and feel, he looked really amazed about the response of all mexican fans..also he received from emi music mexico a golden record for high sales on his album "greatest hits".... adal ramones, the show's host, ask him about the bad things of being famous, also what does he do with all the money he earned, of course robbie said about the charity foundations he has and about his cars...a jaguar, an aston martine and mercedes benz... he wanted to satisfy that wish he has when he was a little kid.... having luxurious cars... robbie also talked about the worst thing that he did on a date, he said he felt sleep during the sexual act with one girlfriend and when he was sleeping he was dreaming with his friend peter and during the sexual act he said "peter" and her girlfriend of course freaked out and she thought he was gay... :stunned: :lol: and a few weeks later they broke up of course :D ... also adal ramones tought him some phrases in spanish to seduce women, also he said he wanted to play the role that diego luna makes on the new film named "criminals" that is the remake of the argentinian movie "9 reinas"... he was amazed with the audience, also he congratulates adal ramones for the show, he said on uk they dont have any show that last that long, the show started at 9pm and ended at 12:30 am, also because the show was really funny stuff and adal is very talented :rolleyes: also at the end of the show when he sang feel... he promised to come back to mexico and give a show on the next year!!!!!.....robbie is so gorgeous!!! .... :blush: .... :D

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