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  • 4 weeks later...

That's almost my No1 Love movie, in the sense that it covered four different types of persons with sharp characteristics in modern life, and reprented the essential factors leading to the failure of Happiness between lovers. And it made you retrosepct who you are, and what you want....and let people understand people, your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, your girlfriend......I was moved from the very beginning, yeah, I love Damien Rice's songs a lot.....and this movie was very well interwaved with this Matching song.


It had a very realistic/honest style - no fake romance, no emtional exaggeration. The only *depressing*(sadness is not negative) thing is that the roles in the movie can't solve the problems at the end - facially, departure is so doomed; but once in a while being Closer, the true love can change a person so deeply and tremendously, which is so encouraging and spirit lighting up...


Cheers! :)


N So it is.....From Damien Rice's website.


30 November 2004


Steve Hochman's LA Times "Pop Eye" column about Damien's involvement with 'Closer'


Damien Rice graduates into film

Earlier this year, Irish singer-songwriter Damien Rice and some associates were watching the 1967 movie "The Graduate" and loved the way the film wove songs by Simon & Garfunkel into the story.


"We spoke of how great it would be to work on a movie like this, where the song and movie are very interlaced," he says.


He didn't have to imagine the situation for long. Just a few weeks later Rice got a call from Mike Nichols, the director of "The Graduate," about that very thing. Nichols was working on "Closer," a romance starring Julia Roberts and Jude Law, and wanted to use Rice's music. And there was a parallel to the past movie on his end as well.


"It happened exactly the same way as when someone sent me a Simon & Garfunkel album while I was doing 'The Graduate,' " Nichols says. "A friend sent me Damien's CD and I started playing it at home and after the third day I said, 'Listen to this! This is the opening song for my picture.' "


In fact, the song "The Blower's Daughter," taken from Rice's 2003 album "O," wound up being not just the opening song (played in its entirety at the movie's start) but also the closing song. And Rice was also asked to record several instrumental cues to be used elsewhere in the film. Nichols notes that it's not exactly equivalent to how he used Simon & Garfunkel songs throughout in "The Graduate" and that "The Blower's Daughter" will not become an "anthem for adultery" as "Mrs. Robinson" was in the earlier movie. But Rice is thoroughly satisfied with the way it turned out.


"It's quite different from 'The Graduate,' as the story and song are quite different," he says. "But Mike is Mike, and he's made it feel like this was all meant to be."



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