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lol thx.....i was in englsih today and we had to listen to some lame-ass tape about how to make our lives better as teens......and one of it said that your passion in life will keep you going.....i was like COLDPLAY is my PASSION they keep me going....lol and my science teacher pisses me off cuz he keeps saying how iraq had something to do w/ 9/11 and im sorry it is a "tradegy" and all but they didnt! i wanted to shove an eraser up his anus at that very moment!....but now he has cancer :sad: :cry:

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i could have sworn you were from ireland too!!


*who am i thinking of :-o *


well, im from Northern Ireland..what are u studying? i suppose its not a bad place to live, if you try go forget about the predujices...tensions..rivalries etc


but i suppose any country is the same :shrug:

you should come over ; it has the most beautiful scenery...if ya go to the right places ;)

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Once i put a message on a message board for like ireland and they all started writing Kill the American and told me they were going to put me in a pot and have me as an irish stew! So i have shyed away from talking about irish people for a while, evne though they are sexy. oh man i can't type this morning... its gonna be a long day

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well .... i hope your country doesnt hate ours just for bush's mistake of going to war and dragging the un into it...isnt ireland part of the un? well i just didnt want to cause ur country stress and anger like bush has done to america

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ireland uses the euro yeah


Pounds are used in the UK and are like a what would have been 1punt/1dollar/1 euro etc

And the American version of cents are called pence :lol:


Sterling is the actual currency in the UK, just like its called "dollars" in America, or "Euros" in.. well Europe :D

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