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Bolton 4th July - what's your view?


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Coldplay, Monday night, what an experience! It was nothing less than I expected but more. Having watched Oasis on Sunday night at City of Man Stadium that sounded poor although a good show, I was honoured to watch Coldplay in my home town, and experience the best sound system I've heard in years that complimented every sound that this band delivers. The music didn't just move my emotions, it also shook my clothes - loud! Fantastic performance from the boys and their team. An excellent line up of old and new favorites. The drawback to the venue was the double queing for drinks and the car parking... 2 hours to get out of the car park, forgotten about now, but the show lives on. Come back to Bolton Coldplay, we'll all park on Asda next time. 10/10 . A few photos to follow when learned how to upload to server.


I'm sure that we all want to know when one of the gigs will be broadcast on telly like Oasis did (within a week)... everybody keep eyes peeled.

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It was such a fantastic gig! We got right at the front and I loved every minute! We q'd from 11am in the morning and listened to soundchecks-Even saw the band come out and get into cars in the afternoon! But when they took to the stage I was on such a buzz like never before, they are such a class act.

I really hope they use the 'Fix You' Video from Monday!!!!

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I went the day after,

It was absaloutly incredable, highlight of the year for me, and I can say I sang like there was not another day to live! The Doves played before them and I was very impressed. It was odd how Coldplay came on, the first person I saw was guy and i couldn't really make out that it was him though i was 9 rows back, but they started with square one and the place errupted! Best first gig ever! :D


Definatly go to see them again and buy another £15 hat! :lol:

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Haha. Yeah, Coldplay caught me by surprise cos they came on like ten minutes early. There were still roadies on the stage and i thouhgt 'that one looks like guy' and with that he suddenly turned to his right only to reveal Chris walking behind him. I couldnt believe they were already out.


A magical night, cant wait to get my hands on a recording of the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the lateness of this. It was absolutely the best night of my life and I was in a constant state of euphoria for the duration of the concert. Arrived far too early and was sat in the cold for hours, but was worth it in the end. Plus, Elbow made for a good support band, especially one of their songs (someone know the name?) that really went over well with the crowd. Here are a few lousy pics of mine from the show - my film ran out early in the concert, so...


1. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayb4reebok1.jpg - Outside the Reebok #1

2. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayb4reebok2.jpg - Outside the Reebok #2

3. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayreebok1.jpg - Inside the Reebok #1

4. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayreebok2.jpg - Inside the Reebok #2

5. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayreebok3.jpg - Inside the Reebok #3

6. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayreebok4.jpg - Inside the Reebok #4

7. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayreebok5.jpg - Inside the Reebok #5

8. http://www.puroresufan.com/images/scans/england2005/coldplayticket.jpg - My ticket

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