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stage tech/crew


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has anyone become chummy with the coldplay stage/tech crew…in particular, the camera guys in front of the stage…i have a slight crush on the curly haired one on the right side...i think the other guy on the left is named reuben. i wish i had talked to him or had taken a picture. is this bizarre?

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Little weird, yes! lol I looked for the names for you in the coldplay book they sold at the concert but I don't see anyone called reuben.


Hey maybe you can email debs and see if she could pass along an email addy or something...lol :wink3:


:lol: :lol:

thanks for your help! and no, i couldn't email debs...it's a bit embarrassing...it's just a little crush. :rolleyes:

i'll wait to take a pic next year!

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