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A Whisper


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Definitely the weakest on the album but still a solid track, I think. Would be a lot better with a bit more "polish" however...A love the trancing/mesmerizing sound of it though...It really is a good song, love to hear a live version of it sometime!

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At first I couldn't really stand the guitar in the beginning, and the words were too hard to hear, but after a few listens, I couldn't wait to hear the chiming guitar at the end. The outro of bass is also a very nice progression, IMO. I never liked Green Eyes in the beginning either... I'm not sure why.

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I love it as well. The energy that comes across is great. The outro for me is just incredible. That fading drone and the voice that sounds far away. Get some good headphones, crank up the volume and listen to the last minute or so really hard. I have always thought it was underappreciated by the fans but each to their own...

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  • 10 months later...



I adore this song. Listening to it right now. Best bridge and lyrics in this part right here.....

Night turns to day

And I still have these questions

Bridges will break

Should I go forwards or backwards

Night turns to day

And I still get no answers






ahhhhh I miss you CP. please come back soon!

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This song is pure crap IMO. It has horribly weak lyrics. Even worse than Swallowed in the Sea. I mean come on the only reason you could like a song that all the chorus is is him saying "a wisper a wisper a wisper a wisper a wisper..." I mean come the hell on what was Coldplay thinking. They boot out tracks like Harmless and dont finish them so they can toss this crap in? Take Careful Where You Stand and switch it out for A Wisper and you have a million times better album.

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at first i didn't like this song and nearly forgot that one. later when i found it again i startet listening to it, because at that moment i listened too much to the rest of AROBTTH. with more listening to it, i also startet liking it.

it was always the beginning of the song, which i did not like. but now i like the whole song

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Me too. I am just so surprised that ppl hate it so. It's just so brilliant. To hear it live in person would be a dream come true. I even would bring it up in a conversation with the band, ( when I meet them on the next tour *hopes*) asking how easily it came out when recording or who really pushed for it to be in cluded on the album. I would gladly kiss whoever a big hug for took credit.

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  • 15 years later...

This is easily the worst track of the album, didn't like at all this song and i easy many times. I always skip this song when i listen the album. The worst is to this song was between two very good songs (Warning Sing, A Rush of Blood to the Head). The lyrics was not good at all and the composition was so bad to listen to debut of end. Depist this horror, this album was in my top 3 favorites Coldplay album. I never wanted to listen this song again and always skip this song in the album (and this is the only skip of the album).

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