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We are very small

Matter-Eater Lad

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this just goes to show that there's absoloutly no way that we're alone in this universe.....


i just doubt we'll ever be able to get to another intellegent life form, nor will they get to us

that's why horror films about aliens never scare me :wacko:


It would be kinda cool if there was intelligent life out there, but i think we would have known by now if that was true. But its always possible, space in infinite. Who knows maybe Aliens did make the Egyptian pyramids:thinking:

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Those have been solved. Very smart talented people can make the most awesome crop circles. People have proven they can make huge ones in one night. I saw a special on it' date=' it was amazing. We have some amazing artist on earth[/quote']

wow, yeah that's pretty amazing


But how on earth do they set up, make these measurements, and form perfect circles and designs, cutting down stalks of corn or wheat or whatever?


It would be a lot of people to complete it in just ONE night.


Just seems hard to believe.


Then again, the idea of actual aliens creating them is even more skeptical....

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Its amazing and mind blowing but its been proven people can do that through video tapes and such. I mean if you look at humanity lots of things happened by humans that i dont see how they did it and are amazing. Stonehenge the pyramids, the great wall.


And it only took a few people to complete it in one night. It was a really neat thing to watch

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i just watched a dosumantary about extra terrestrial life... it was very very intresting


and it really freaked me out :stunned:

they were talking about evolution and how many creatures on earth have similiar properties that evolved in the later part of evolution, so it was when the creatures had already been on seperate evolutionary tracks. So there was no connection between them. They gave the example of a human and a squid both having eyes. So they said that the devolpment of eyes was inevidable... and they gave more examples, in a way to prove that life forms on other planets must look "eerily similiar to us", as they put it....

they also talked about the statistics, how just in our galaxy there are thousands of billions of stars, and they found that 1 in 10 stars is like the sun. It has planets surrounding it... and out of those, 1 in 10 has planets at the same distance from the sun as earth where water doesnt freeze nor evaporates. Thus, has a possibility of life evolving in them....


it was really intresting... they said alot more things but i dont feel like typing it all and i doubt anyone will read it anyway :wacko:

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It would be kinda cool if there was intelligent life out there' date=' but i think we would have known by now if that was true. [/quote']


that's one more thing that they discussed in the documentary i watched

one physicist from italy said "If the probabilty of other intelligent life exsisting out there is so high, than where are they?"

and they explained it like this:

- there are stars with planets that are older than the earth, so it's very likely that there are creatures out there who are more intelligent than the human race. However maybe evolution only goes so far, a big reason being self destruction. I mean, look at what we're doing to earth...

- and another reason, which makes sense to me, is that just like us they look for other life forms but the universe is so big that it's virtually impossible to get to one.

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Well we're obviously not the only creatures in the world, that'd be kinda weird. But I don't think UFO's gonna come and start a war or whatever... I think that at least some of them are much much much more wise and smart than people are and if they wanted to they'd kill us all in a second and weapon wouldn't save us.


I also agree with Nik that people should solve problems on Earth instead of trying to figure out if there're aliens trying to attack us... I mean, we've got so many disasters on our planet that we should concentrate on them firstly.


And about evolution... For some reason I don't believe in it at all.

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i actually find it pretty hard not to believe... how would u explain certain things? Like the fact that all living things have almost the exact same genetic code?


unless you're relegious, i find it hard to believe that we were created as we are... there had to be some sort of process

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i actually find it pretty hard not to believe... how would u explain certain things? Like the fact that all living things have almost the exact same genetic code?


unless you're relegious, i find it hard to believe that we were created as we are... there had to be some sort of process

Erm, you see.. I just don't believe in all this stuff with monkeys and all )


I won't speak about religion here but I think people were created by somebody unknown... It may be some highest power, it may be even UFO or whatever..


And about genetic code... Haha I guess it would be weird to say that I don't beliebe in genetic?... )) Ok, there must be an answer too. Like, the one who created people probably created animals too so he/she/it just made all of us kinda the same... It's hard to explain though.

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Erm, you see.. I just don't believe in all this stuff with monkeys and all )


I won't speak about religion here but I think people were created by somebody unknown... It may be some highest power, it may be even UFO or whatever..


And about genetic code... Haha I guess it would be weird to say that I don't beliebe in genetic?... )) Ok, there must be an answer too. Like, the one who created people probably created animals too so he/she/it just made all of us kinda the same... It's hard to explain though.


oh i see

but i guess u simply believe in something

i think im more a scientifical person, and there is some proof to evolution so I do believe in it....

human being didnt evolve from monkeys u see today like chimps or whatever. All that evolution say is that monkeys and humans have the closest ancestor, which then got devided into 2 seperate evolutionary tracks- monekys and humans.... so it does make sense. I believe our DNA is 98% exactly like certain apes

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they were talking about evolution and how many creatures on earth have similiar properties that evolved in the later part of evolution' date=' so it was when the creatures had already been on seperate evolutionary tracks. So there was no connection between them. They gave the example of a human and a squid both having eyes. So they said that the devolpment of eyes was inevidable... [/quote']



I really like biology, and ive read a lot about evolution, which is something i find very interesting, and about 2 animals having the same charasteristics it's a fenomenon called 'parallel evolution', and it is quite common. It happens that as they live in a similar aerea or have the same necessity, the best way to resolve a problem is usually the same for both. It's weird that they talked about that as if it was very strange. For example, many species that live on earth but are constantly diving or swimming have 'extra' skin between their feet, like ducks and some dogs, like Retrievers, and it's ovbious they had separated in their evolution before developing that...

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oh i see

but i guess u simply believe in something

i think im more a scientifical person, and there is some proof to evolution so I do believe in it....

human being didnt evolve from monkeys u see today like chimps or whatever. All that evolution say is that monkeys and humans have the closest ancestor, which then got devided into 2 seperate evolutionary tracks- monekys and humans.... so it does make sense. I believe our DNA is 98% exactly like certain apes

Oh yeah I know it's not only about monkeys. I mean, all this genetic theory about evolution. But I guess I just don't like the whole idea in general. I'm not a very scientifical person to tell the truth and I believe there're many things scientists don't know anything about... Anyway, I'm not interested in biology too much so I won't say anything.

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I really like biology' date=' and ive read a lot about evolution, which is something i find very interesting, and about 2 animals having the same charasteristics it's a fenomenon called 'parallel evolution', and it is quite common. It happens that as they live in a similar aerea or have the same necessity, the best way to resolve a problem is usually the same for both. It's weird that they talked about that as if it was very strange. For example, many species that live on earth but are constantly diving or swimming have 'extra' skin between their feet, like ducks and some dogs, like Retrievers, and it's ovbious they had separated in their evolution before developing that...[/quote']


yea i think that's what they talked about- like there having to be a sollution for something so different animals the evovled in different paths devoloped the same things.... but i think they called it something else... i forgot what it was

i also studied biology at school... pretty much the only thing that ever truly intrested me :wacko:

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that's one more thing that they discussed in the documentary i watched

one physicist from italy said "If the probabilty of other intelligent life exsisting out there is so high, than where are they?"

and they explained it like this:

- there are stars with planets that are older than the earth, so it's very likely that there are creatures out there who are more intelligent than the human race. However maybe evolution only goes so far, a big reason being self destruction. I mean, look at what we're doing to earth...

- and another reason, which makes sense to me, is that just like us they look for other life forms but the universe is so big that it's virtually impossible to get to one.



Well but not everyone would have destroyed their planet, i mean the universe is infinate, so there if there are others more intelligent out there and capable of space travel if they do destroy their planet, they could find another one. Also I think if life out there did exist we would have probably been conquered by now. The more advanced and strong lots of times in life conquer the weak.


But i think it would be kinda awesome if we found some other race out there more intelligent and not evil. Or even some other planets where Humans could live. That would be awesome if there were other humans in the universe.

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Erm, you see.. I just don't believe in all this stuff with monkeys and all )


I won't speak about religion here but I think people were created by somebody unknown... It may be some highest power, it may be even UFO or whatever..


And about genetic code... Haha I guess it would be weird to say that I don't beliebe in genetic?... )) Ok, there must be an answer too. Like, the one who created people probably created animals too so he/she/it just made all of us kinda the same... It's hard to explain though.


I like how you think.


Any ways evolution is unscientific, so i dont believe in that mumbo jumbo.

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i do believe in evolution... it has some science behind it, it's not a random threory that someone thought of it does have a basis, with room for speculation of course. But it's pretty well based



and sure, i believe that there are aliens that are more intelligent than us- i dont think saying "how come they arent here?" is a reason to say they arent out there. The universe is just way to big for them to have arrived. I mean, the closest star to the solar system is 3 or 4 light years away. And who says there's life there? Who could get to us? And even if aliens traveled through galaxies, the universe is sooo big with soooo many planets and stars. What are the chances they'd get to us?

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