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Is there anybody out there who can teach me Salsa?

Gitta Rensolo

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You know, I've always wanted to learn how to whistle. I can't whistle at all. Oh, many boys tried to teach me :tongue:


But it seems impossible to me. If anybody teaches me to whistle one day, I'll be grateful like I've never been before :smug:

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:laugh3: :laugh3:


Sorry I just saw the first video... käsebrot that means cheese-bread right?





Yes......probably I'll go to a concert from this guy next year...:P


he is pretty talented actually....he plays the saxophon just like me...and he plays the piano and so many other instruments...

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Yes......probably I'll go to a concert from this guy next year...:P


he is pretty talented actually....he plays the saxophon just like me...and he plays the piano and so many other instruments...


can I come too??? :dance:

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