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the animatrix


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Final Flight of the Osiris is the only one in CGI. Each one is animated differently. One of them was filmed and then sketched over in pencil. That was really cool. Most are animes, but each has a different production team, and have different styles. There are a lot of similarities, but Final Flight of the Osiris looks the most different of them all, since it was made by the same people who made the Final Fantasy movie.

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holy hell did this movie disturb me. i get free movies on my television so out of curiousity i watched it. blah, that's some twisted stuff. made me really depressed.


anyone else see it?


:lol: Ive seen it. It is quite disturbing and freeky? :shock: :-o

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he killed people to you know' date=' the part i thought was freaky was the humans killing all the robots[/quote']


lol. i know the robot killed humans too! that was sick when he crushed the woman's face. it's just that why did he have to kill the cats!? sniff.


and yeah, the one shot of a guy putting a gun to a robots head. that was weird. yeesh! very disturbing movie!

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