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Cats jump out from bushes and on halloween dress up as yettis. :shock:


Must be a sight only in Liverpool... I haven't seen them here... :shock:

dress up as yettis


i'm allergic to cats and yeah they scare me too with their odd meowing and whaterver noises they make :lol:

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i wouldnt be able to date a vegitarian...


I think I heard Chris said they're all vegetarians, they do eat fish though. So no chance even for Guy?? :shock: :shock:

i thought they liked meat...i dont know....aww are you serious :cry:
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I think it was when Chris was on Radio 1, someone asked him what would they do on a deserted island. He said they'd probably starve cos they're vegetarians. Then he said maybe they can use Guy's hair make a net to catch fish... something like that... Haha... :wink:

So no chance for Guy then?? :shock: :shock:

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very quiety and very timidly - I'm a vegetarian, folks. But not because of fluffy bunnies and the like, though all animals are really cool and probably nicer than most people! Especially horses. Noble creatures. And Red Setters .... And my cat is quite spikey too - nice sometimes, and b****y vicious other times! Quite a character.

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Then he said maybe they can use Guy's hair make a net to catch fish... something like that... Haha... :wink:

haha that would be funny...you know i can actually picture that in my head...ah such an imagination!


So no chance for Guy then?? :shock: :shock:

oh yeah i would definetly still give him a chance....just need him to give me a chance being a meat eater and all....haha i sound like a dinosaur

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very quiety and very timidly - I'm a vegetarian, folks. quote]


No need to be timid Vicky!

I'll say it LOUD and PROUD: I am pretty much a vegetarian. Well, most people would consider me a vegetarian cos I don't eat meat but I still eat fish and seafood. But in my book, fish is not a vegetable, so I'm not really a vegetarian. I would like to give up fish and seafood soon too... :wink:

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