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ok i was at a bay bears game...(badeball) and this girl from my church michelle was messing with the team mascot by getting one of those claw things and clawing at her..ya know those stirophone glaws...well he did the suck it motion to her AHAHAH



suck it motion: pressing an x on your crotch..she said that was the best thing thats ever happened to her...our team mascot telling her to suck it hahahaha

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my cousins and I used to make forts in the basement. We'd have boys against girls and we'd all have to wear ice cream buckets on our heads for helmets because we threw wooden blocks at each other. So anyways.....we didn't have any wooden blocks on our side, so I crawled out to get some and my ice cream bucket helmet fell off. My cousin saw me and threw a wooden block at me and it hit me right in the forehead. I had a huge lump the size of an egg on my head for a week..... :lol:

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one time my cousins and I were playing hide and go seek in the dark in my basement and we have poles in the basement as support beams. so anyways there was alot of screaming and running envolved in the game and I wasn't paying attention and I ah....ran into one of the poles..... :lol: and then we had these really sticky mouse traps set up on the floor and my cousin put his hand in one. he freaked out and pulled in of and put it in my cousins hair. it took us forever to get it out.

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I have another one! :lol:

k, I live on a farm and we were down at my cousins house and we were having a water fight. it was guys against girls. so we filled our water guns with sticks and rocks and mud....pretty much anything that would hust when it hit them....but the guys with those sick minds of theirs decided to fill their water guns up with cow shit...when I realized what they were spraying us with, I screamed so loud and started chasing them around the house! you do not know how long I stayed in the shower that night! I was sooooo pissed off! :angry:

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