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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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June 11, 2012 - submitted by Meagan, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle, who is the guy that has been holding signs in the front row of 5 different panoramas?? Do the band know him? He must be so lucky to get to go to so many Coldplay shows!



The Oracle replies:


No, we don't know him. One of his signs said "I follow you" and as you can see, he does indeed! He has certainly put the effort in getting there early enough to get to the front too!

Maybe he will write to me and reveal his identity...






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June 12, 2012 - submitted by Bernie, United States of America


Q. Why is it that the set list stays almost exactly the same the entire tour? It's a great set regardless but doesn't the band get tired of playing the same songs in the same order night after night?


First time asking a question to the almighty Oracle so fingers crossed for a response!



The Oracle replies:


The production of a show can be very complicated and take a lot of time to prepare to get it perfect. This show particularly doesn't lend itself to much change. I am aware of a very few number acts who change their set during a tour so it isn't unusual not to - it's more usual in fact.

A few songs have been replaced and moved around since the festivals last year and the latter end of the year's dates.

The band buzz so much off playing the songs live to a different crowd every night that no, they don't get bored.

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June 12, 2012 - submitted by Bryan, United Kingdom


Q. I have a complaint to make about a recent Coldplay concert I went to at the emirates in London on 2nd June 2012! I payed £50 for a ticket and believe that this amount was not in my opinion acceptable!


Basically the boys blew my mind and I feel the ticket should of cost more for the best night of my life! Can I please send you a further amount of money to show my appreciation?


Brilliant! Bloody brilliant!



The Oracle replies:


Bryan, I think I love you. What an amazing thing to read on a damp, grey, miserable Tuesday in June (June and it's STILL raining!!)

I suppose you could always save the extra money for when the #Coldplayfilm arrives?

Or donate it to a charity of your choice.

I agree though, it's worth every penny and more.

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June 12, 2012 - submitted by Rachael, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle.

I noticed that the drum machine Will uses during Up In Flames has quite a noticable gap between when the pad is hit and when the sound is emitted. How difficult does this make things for him? How does he overcome these difficulties? Thanks.



P.S. The second Ethiad show was brilliant. So good to see Warning Sign coming back! One of my favourites.



The Oracle replies:


Listening to soundchecks in stadiums is amazing because when they are empty the sound literally bounces off everything. Dan Green has to do an incredible job of working out variables to gauge what the difference will be when that stadium is full of several thousands of people.

There are moments like the aforementioned drum machine where you can see/hear the latency (for that is its name). It's a factor many performers learn how to deal with.

I also notice at the back of some large venues the screen appear to be showing everything out of synch but that again is the distance and time it takes for sound to travel making it look out of time.

Pretty tricky to deal with but luckily the guys have an amazing sound system in place and their in-ear monitors will be geared to cope as much as possible.

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June 12, 2012 - submitted by Bryan, United Kingdom


Q. I have a complaint to make about a recent Coldplay concert I went to at the emirates in London on 2nd June 2012! I payed £50 for a ticket and believe that this amount was not in my opinion acceptable!


Basically the boys blew my mind and I feel the ticket should of cost more for the best night of my life! Can I please send you a further amount of money to show my appreciation?


Brilliant! Bloody brilliant!



The Oracle replies:


Bryan, I think I love you. What an amazing thing to read on a damp, grey, miserable Tuesday in June (June and it's STILL raining!!)

I suppose you could always save the extra money for when the #Coldplayfilm arrives?

Or donate it to a charity of your choice.

I agree though, it's worth every penny and more.





And she mentioned Coldplayfilm! The site still isn't working though : (

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June 12, 2012 - submitted by Bryan, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. I have a complaint to make about a recent Coldplay concert I went to at the emirates in London on 2nd June 2012! I payed £50 for a ticket and believe that this amount was not in my opinion acceptable!


Basically the boys blew my mind and I feel the ticket should of cost more for the best night of my life! Can I please send you a further amount of money to show my appreciation?


Brilliant! Bloody brilliant!



The Oracle replies:


Bryan, I think I love you. What an amazing thing to read on a damp, grey, miserable Tuesday in June (June and it's STILL raining!!)

I suppose you could always save the extra money for when the #Coldplayfilm arrives?

Or donate it to a charity of your choice.

I agree though, it's worth every penny and more.


Even just reading the litany of complaints on here makes this a breath of fresh air!!:D

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June 13, 2012 - submitted by Marielle, Canada


Q. Hello Oracle!

Ive notice that some fans have more than one Xyloband on at a time. Is there a limit of how much you can have, do you to pay for the extra ones?



The Oracle replies:


I'm glad you brought this up.

I went to the Emirates on Friday and Saturday nights. At the second show during Hurts Like Heaven I remembered that my Xyloband from the previous night was still in my possession and when I checked, there it was flashing away so I put it on.

I was wearing two but had only taken one per show.

I know other fans who have been to several shows wear their Xylobands from all gigs so it is hopefully that reason you see multiple ones adorning arms.

We hand Xylobands out on the way in (ONE per person) but they are not included in the ticket price so if you don't get one, it may be down to luck, timing or the unforgivable...

If anyone reading this has taken more than one on the way in to a show and seen people without - then shame on you if you did not give a Xyloband up to another fan in need. #justsaying

Please be fair and please share.

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June 13, 2012 - submitted by Sarah, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Oracle,

My wristband just lit up all by its self, and it's still on now. Could you shed some light [bad pun] on this mystery?







The Oracle replies:


Well, I wish I could tell you some magical explanation or entice you down a fantasy road but in fact, it's not a strange phenomenon.

There must be a glitch as that's not supposed to happen.

I am hearing reports from all over that Xylobands are lighting up.

My friend awoke at 4 a.m on Monday morning with hers flashing (she was delighted!) and indeed mine decided to light up 48 hours after a show.

One lady's lit up in Wales followed by her son's...


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June 13, 2012 - submitted by Sarah, United Kingdom


Q. Hello, I am trying to find a Man's T-shirt for the 2005 tour, the December 16th date at Earl's Court was the first Coldplay concert my then boyfriend and I went to, we are now married with two children and I have been searching to try to find him a t-shirt from that tour but with no luck, please can you help me? Thank you



The Oracle replies:


Well, we don't really sell tees from tours gone by - maybe we should?

I don't know how many are still available but I found this for you. Hope it helps.

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June 13, 2012 - submitted by Sarah, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

My wristband just lit up all by its self, and it's still on now. Could you shed some light [bad pun] on this mystery?







The Oracle replies:


Well, I wish I could tell you some magical explanation or entice you down a fantasy road but in fact, it's not a strange phenomenon.

There must be a glitch as that's not supposed to happen.

I am hearing reports from all over that Xylobands are lighting up.

My friend awoke at 4 a.m on Monday morning with hers flashing (she was delighted!) and indeed mine decided to light up 48 hours after a show.

One lady's lit up in Wales followed by her son's...



Some of us have a theory that since the wristbands are radio-controlled on a very localized scale, they could also possibly be triggered by other similar localized radio frequencies in the area of the concerts. Only a theory though. Someone should ask Jason if it's possible, though I'm sure he's explored it already.


And yes, I agree about old tour merch. :nod:

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June 14, 2012 - submitted by Rocio, Spain


Q. Hi Oracle!

I was in Madrid last 20th of May, in that amazing concert that it was one of the best thing I've ever done!!!

And at the end of Fix You Chris said: "Happy Birthday (someone).." Who's that someone??



The Oracle replies:


He said "Happy Birthday Mama Julia" - his wife's Spanish "mama" with whom she lived in Spain with as a teenager.

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June 14, 2012 - submitted by Matts, Finland


Q. Dear Oracle,


I'm coming to Stockholm show in August and we have decided with my friends that we are getting to the front row. As I was looking the photos from the tour I was wondering which would be the best place to enjoy the show. Closest to the main stage or somewhere alongside the 'catwalk'?


Best regards





The Oracle replies:


I would certainly suggest along the catwalk or around the X Stage if you want a great view up close and personal.

I'm a bit too old for all that standing though.

Make sure you have plenty of water because even if the weather isn't warm* you may feel overcome by the heat of the crowds.

* It may be wise to start offering up dances to the sun Gods as rain has been following the band on the stadium tour thus far!

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June 14, 2012 - submitted by Zatch, Canada


Q. Hey Oracle, when Jonny said today in the live chat that "we know roughly when we want to start making the next record...", does this confirm a sixth studio album? Thanks from Canada!



The Oracle replies:


Any and everything is subject to change so it's far too early to speculate.

I recall Chris saying that he'd written a song (Spanish Rain /Don Quixote) that would be a b-side for the next album yet it's never been recorded and isn't likely to be.

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June 14, 2012 - submitted by Melina, Mexico


Q. Is

the What If official video? Because the guy who is playing the piano doesn't look like Chris.


P.S. Hope you come to Mexico soon!



The Oracle replies:


I've never seen that video before and while 7,634,258 is an impressive number of views, it's nothing to do with us. Not only is the guy not Chris but there wasn't an official video for What If made.

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June 15, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 21st June.


A few weeks ago I went to a new restaurant near to my house with a few friends. We had a great night and one of the waiters was talking to us. He seems like a really nice guy. Now I'm finding myself going back on a regular basis because I want to see him. I'm 18 but I think he is about 28 to 30 ish.

I'm really not the sort of person that could just tell him about it either, what shall I do ? Help !? Bec. U.K


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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June 15, 2012 - submitted by DG, United States of America



I hope you can give me some advice. I've decided I want a small, subtle tattoo, but my boyfriend finds them "dirty and unattractive" and he thinks any woman with a tattoo is gross. Obviously I want him to be attracted to me, but at the same time, my body belongs to me and only me, and I'd like to put a little artwork on it. Do you think it would really jeopardize my relationship? What should I do?! D.G.



The Oracle replies:


Personally I like tattoos on other people though do not have any myself and never would have. Partly because I hate needles and pain and partly because I don't think I'd look so good when I am in my 70s with one or more on my wrinkly bod!

That's MY opinion and choice not to. I wouldn't care what anyone else thought. If I wanted one, I would. It's that simple to me. It's my body. I'll shave my head if I want, dye my hair green (once it grew back) if I want, I'll pierce my ears several times - and other body parts - if I want.

If a tattoo is a make or break issue in your relationship I have to say I don't think much of its foundations.

Maybe try a temporary one forst to see how he reacts and how you feel about it. I don't know how old you are or even if that's relevant but do think carefully before making a lifelong commitment - with the tattoo, not the boy.

To call a tattoo dirty is simply ridiculous. Fair enough if he doesn't like them but they're not dirty.

He should be attracted to you despite a small inking and personally if he isn't, I'd get it done anyway and tell him to sling his hook!

One last thing, if you're getting a word, make sure they spell it right!

Over to you.


Funny you bring this up, because I was meeting my father for lunch, last week, and the girl at the counter had a tattoo of a bird's silhouette with "Ave" written under it in cursive. So, I decided to tell her that I thought it was lovely. Her face lit up when I told her this, but after my father and I sat down, my father said that her tattoo would hold her back in life, at which I disagreed. You see, some people, like my father and your boyfriend, consider tattoos as a blemish on one's skin. The Christian Bible compares the body to a temple to be preserved, and many people hold that to heart, however, I say, why not decorate this temple?

Your body is most certainly yours, and not your boyfriends, and if he feels this strongly about them, it could be putting your relationship at risk, however, if he feels even stronger about you, then you could change his opinion about tattoos altogether.

The decision is yours, and I wish you the best possible outcome.

Bradley H.


You are quite right, it is in fact your body. You don't say how long you have known your boyfriend, how serious your relationship is therefore I am concerned that you are contemplating letting him rob you of your individuality and your ability to make decisions. Having said all that there are some considerations ..why do you want a tattoo?? Is it to feel a certain way about yourself? After you accomplish that remember the tattoo remains. It may be wise on your part to talk to a friend who has been "tatted" and ask them how they feel about it now. A small tat is not a problem, as it can easily covered up for special occasions. I myself am struggling with this, having wanted to get a small one to mark a turning point in my life, as luck would have it funds for the tat have not been plentiful and I am still without it. It seems a lot less important to me now. Life changes but a tattoo remains and is very expensive to remove. If you do decide to get one make sure you choose a reputable salon which practises safe sterile techniques. As for your boyfriend he will just have to live with the decision you make about your own body, take care , Laurie.


Your body is yours and yours alone and no one has the right to tell you what you can or can't do to it. I get the impression your boyfriend is trying to make you feel guilty or ashamed for your choices. Maybe he's afraid a tattoo will somehow "change" your personality or who you are but it won't. Of course having said that be sure you put serious thought and consideration into your decision since a tattoo is something you'll live with forever.

P.S Your boyfriend should be telling you that you're beautiful,that's what you deserve!

Good Luck, Eleanor,D.C USA.


Truthfully, if your boyfriend really loves you then he should most definitely not care if you have a tat (as long as it's not a tramp-stamp).

And yes, it is your decision, not his!

Don't let him make you second-guess yourself!

Wish u luck, Daemoiya Georgia,USA.


As you said your body belongs to you but think twice before making tattoo on it. Tattoos witness a fashion trend or a desire for originality which seems to be your case. But their final characters can create a sense of weariness or cause discomfort in social life particularly when sitting on parts as hands and forearms.

Your boyfriend just express its opinion with his own words. Honestly I share it, it's not sexy at all. If your relationship means a lot to you, which appears to be otherwise you wouldn't ask Oracle, you have to make compromises with him. Maybe you should gently involve him in the choice of the part of the body and the draw if your desire of tattoo is stronger than all. But first of all, it must be a thoughtful decision. Sincerely, Corinne.


I can't say whether it will jeopardize your relationship or not, but I definitely think it shouldn't. If he would let a small tattoo get in the way of your future together, well then he isn't even worth your time. We could all change ourselves according to what other people want us to be and think, but where would that get us? There would be no point in trying to find that special someone, if anyone could turn into them. Be yourself, don't change your opinions or desires for someone. Think of it this way, if it were the other way around, and he wanted you to get a tattoo even though you didn't, would you get it? You said yourself that it's your body. You should get it if you want to. He should be alright with whatever you choose. Hope this helps. Love, Darem.


Not that it's any of my business but I'm now wondering what the tattoo is of, how small and where you are thinking of putting it. I don't think tattoos suit everyone and I hear they're pretty addictive. If you're absolutely sure you want to permanently mark your skin with something, go ahead and do what you want. Lucy.


I understand your concern but bottom line is that it is your body and your choice to do with it want you want. Your boyfriend should not determine what you do or don't with something like that. Especially if it is small and meaningful then it shouldn't be a big deal. Your boyfriend should love you for who your are not what you look like. Good luck! Joseph S.


Well I have to agree with your boyfriend on that. So say you get this tattoo, and 50 years go by and when you are saggy and baggy you will regret getting that tattoo. So if you really want "Body Art" give yourself a sharpie tattoo. Then you can change it when the other one is off. And you can put it somewhere your boyfriend won't see it so you both win! Hope I helped!

Mollie U.S.A


Get the tattoo! If it's something that you feel that you want to adorn your body with, then I say go for it. We can't satisfy our significant others all the time, and there are certainly a lot worse things that you could do to upset him. While I personally would never ever get a tattoo, I know that if my significant other chose to get a tattoo, I would be very supportive of their choice, and your boyfriend should be supportive of your choice too. If something about your outside appearance is bothering him so much that it would jeopardize your relationship, chances are it's not a relationship worth continuing. Be warned though: tattoos are permanent, and take care of where you get it. Best of Luck, Nayan. USA.


I will try to keep my opinions out of it, (I'm LDS, and proud of it), and put it to you straight; He has a standard of something he believes is wrong and terrible to get. This could go on for a whole lot of opinions he could have on things in the world. It is something he sets his vision and mind on, and uses to find people. Tell me, would you rather talk to someone who looks casual, good looking, nice and combed, or to someone who looks like they woke up from bed, and walked outside in their undershirt and jeans anyways? You would always pick the person that seems stronger, more caring in life. I'm not saying people who have tattoos don't care, but I'm just saying what other people judge when they choose to go either talk to someone with or without a tattoo. I know that is looks like a bunch of "Twisted Logic",(


Your body should be yours to decide, the truest feelings of what you should do come from your heart and from foresight. Where do you see yourself with him in a month? a year? 10 years? A tattoo is permanent besides expensive procedures to remove them, if he truly has emotions for you then physical appearances should be only a factor and not a justification for a relationship. Overall, what the entire question resolves down to is how do you feel about the tattoo, and what is TRULY important in your relationship. Aaron.


It sounds like you already made your decision! It's your body and you can do whatever you like. I can understand your boyfriend's concern, as tattoos by themselves (and where they are inked on the body) have a tendency to lend negative stereotypes about the person. However, I'm sure he knows you well enough to know that you are not "dirty and unattractive". He should know a tattoo won't change that. Go ahead and go for it! Warm regards, Blake.


While I completely understand that you are hesitant to get the tattoo because of his disapproval, I think that you should get one if you really wish to. Keep in mind, though, that a tattoo is pretty permanent, so only get one if you’re a hundred percent sure you want it. If your boyfriend is truly supportive, he will eventually come around, so just ask for his love and support. At the end of the day, that’s what you should always give each other. Good luck! Medina.


Getting a tattoo is entirely up to you; as you mentioned it's your own body and you have the right to do what you want. It shouldn't matter what your boyfriend says, as you are your own individual person. If it's that big a problem for him, maybe you should have a proper talk with him, or explain to him that you are going to have this done whether he likes it or not, and if he chooses not, say how silly it is that something that small could jeopardise your relationship.

Remember tattoos are permanent, so be sure in yourself you want it before having it done. Meg.


Thanks once again. We encourage all fans to get involved so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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June 18, 2012 - submitted by Anna Rose, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

I am so stressed. I'm going to see Coldplay next month (WOOO SO EXCITED!) with two of my friends. And as you can see I am very excited! I've actually been waiting for this concert for about 5 years, since when I first started listening to them when I was 11. Coldplay is more than just a band to me, they have gotten me through so many hard times and bad situations. So this concert for me is more than just a concert, it is a sort of closure. It's the end of all the bad things that happened before and looking forward to the future. Unfortunately, I don't think my friends understand this. I was talking to them the other day, and I want to be at the doors, run in, front row, like that perfect concert experience that I've yet to have! But they were like, no, let's pregame and tailgate! As you can figure I'm only 16, and I'm not against drinking or anything but seriously? This is a once in a lifetime experience possibly, and I want to do it my way. What should I do, Oracle? Do I seperate from my friends and make my own experience? Or should I just go with the flow (something that's really difficult for a control freak like myself)? Please help, I want this to be good but now I'm just stressing and worrying and being negative :(

Thank you for your help,

Anna Rose



The Oracle replies:


Do it your way but have a designated meeting point for after the show. Make sure you are all prepared with charged up phones and know what the plan is it too. I once took someone to a show who had no phone battery and she went to the bathroom leaving me with her bag, coat and purse. I didn't see her again.

She hadn't paid attention to the meeting point that we had arranged in case something happened so I stood there waiting and missed my public transport home.

When thousands of people are leaving a stadium at the same time, it can get quite hairy so please make sure you all meet & get home safely.

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June 18, 2012 - submitted by Carly, United Kingdom


Q. Pleading for your help!

At Manchester City stadium on the 09/06/12 my extremely romantic (boyfriend at the time) proposed to me during my favourite song, yellow. We were standing at the front, to the left hand side of the stage. I know several people filmed this, but unfortunately in all the excitement we forgot to get anyone's names to get hold of the footage. Could you please help by posting this, in the hope the people who filmed our lovely moment will post it! Please help. Carly. X



The Oracle replies:



You're better posting this query on the Coldplaying fan site's forums to be honest...

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June 18, 2012 - submitted by Sarah, United Kingdom


Q. Hello!

I found this flyer online.

I know Coldplay and Muse used to be friends and obviously they're both very busy at the moment, but in the future do you think they would ever play a gig together again?


They're my favourite bands of all time and think it would be so amazing!

Hope you're having a great day, Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Coldplay supported Muse (as you can see in that flyer) but that was back in 2000! They have both reached the same level in terms of stadium tours and it would be very difficult - nay impossible - to get both sets of productions into one show.

They may share the same stage at event or festival but they won't tour together, no.


Speaking of production, may I just take a moment...

The tragic events at the Radiohead concert this weekend claimed the life of their drum tech, Scott Johnson. My thoughts go out to his family.

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