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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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August 13, 2012 - submitted by Ally, Uruguay


Q. Dear elcarO,

Was Coldplay at the closing ceremony? I recorded it and fast forwarded looking for them but I did not see them.





The Oracle replies:


They're playing the Closing Ceremony of the Paralympics - not the Olympics.

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August 13, 2012 - submitted by Ivy Guizar, United States of America


Q. Hello to the almighty Oracle who I dare ask a question! (AKA Hey Oracle, can I ask you a question?) so I was on IMDb and I looked up Chris Martin and it says that him and Jonny are going to star in a movie (in the UK) called Slashed. Is this true? Because if it is, that's really cool! So please answer this question, I'm sure many other coldplayers would want to know too.


Ivy from Los Angeles



The Oracle replies:


Slashed was filmed back in 2002 but it wasn't until a couple of years ago that footage from the film appeared.

In June of this year more scenes were shown at a special gig but a full release hasn't been officially announced.

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August 14, 2012 - submitted by Laura, Argentina


Q. Hi dear Oracle! I hope you're doing great. The other day I was watching a documentary about different dialects and languages spoken within the UK and I found Welsh absolutely impossible to understand or imitate (I speak for myself here of course) Now, I know Jonny grew up in Wales and I was wondering, can he speak Welsh fluently?


Regards from Buenos Aires




The Oracle replies:


The part of Wales that Jonny is from - Mold - is North Wales and very close to the English border. People from that area don't tend to have strong Welsh accents at all. As far as I know Jonny's secondary school wasn't a Welsh Language school so as he wasn't born in Wales he will have spoken English at home - and school.

I'm pretty sure he's not fluent.

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August 14, 2012 - submitted by Brian, United States of America


Q. Does anyone have the setlist from the August 10th, 2012 show in St. Paul, MN? There is an amazing amount of stuff from the tour on coldplay.com but I couldn't find any setlists!



The Oracle replies:


We don't publish the setlists but you can find them here.

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August 15, 2012 - submitted by Prince, United States of America


Q. It's my birthday, and I was wondering if the Oracle would actually reply?



The Oracle replies:


But if I reply and wish you a "happy birthday" then everyone will ask and I'm afraid I simply haven't got the time.


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August 15, 2012 - submitted by Daniel, United States of America


Q. Hello Oracle! How come Frank Ocean has been taken off the upcoming tour dates? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


He hasn't been "taken off"; he's cancelled all his scheduled performances including his own European tour, V Festival and the opening slot with Coldplay.

Anchorman will announce his replacement soon.

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August 15, 2012 - submitted by Coldplay fan, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

Will Chris, Will, Guy, and Jon be in the Mylo Xyloto movie, such as Chris playing the role of Mylo? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


I think you may be a little confused. The Coldplay film is a live concert film - it's not about the Mylo Xyloto story that the comic is based on.

The comic characters (which are all animated also) are not based on the band members nor are they them *playing* any of the characters.

To see how the illustrations look, click here.

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August 15, 2012 - submitted by Coldplay fan, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

Will Chris, Will, Guy, and Jon be in the Mylo Xyloto movie, such as Chris playing the role of Mylo? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


I think you may be a little confused. The Coldplay film is a live concert film - it's not about the Mylo Xyloto story that the comic is based on.

The comic characters (which are all animated also) are not based on the band members nor are they them *playing* any of the characters.

To see how the illustrations look, click here.


I may sound evil, but the thought of a movie with the guys about MX, made me laugh. :lol:

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August 16, 2012 - submitted by Jocelyn, Canada


Q. I heard on radio station I could send my video for the dvd of Montreal show, could you send the link for it?





The Oracle replies:


It's only if you have film footage of Us Against The Word and/or Speed Of Sound.

Here is more information for you.

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August 16, 2012 - submitted by Quinn, Canada


Q. Hi Oracle, hope your day's going swell! So I'm just needing to ask to make sure: is Coldplay still performing for the Paralymics? If so, then are they doing the opening or closing ceremonies?



The Oracle replies:


We answered that on here a couple of times and tweeted on the 15th August (yesterday) just to clarify what's happened.

It's worth signing up to Twitter for updates...

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August 16, 2012 - submitted by Ally, United States of America



I know I ask you questions like every day but this one is good so please answer! In the video Shiver in the background there is a yellow globe. It looks like the album cover from Parachutes! Is it?



The Oracle replies:


There is indeed a yellow globe in the Shiver video and that very one is the one that was photographed for the Parachutes cover.

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August 17, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 23rd August.


I need to learn to manage my money and I'm wondering if there is some sort of rule to go by so that I'm not going from paycheck to paycheck. I'm in college and it isn't wise to live like I were still at home. Do you have any recommendations?

Nathalie, India.



Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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August 17, 2012 - submitted by Tim, Canada



My girlfriend is in love with Coldplay and their music and her first CD ever was their X&Y album. I want to do something extra special for her with that album being the focal point. The only problem is that I am not the most creative guy and don't have the greatest of ideas. So I was wondering if you would have any suggestions to help me out. Thank you.



The Oracle replies:


I suppose the most obvious suggestion is to use the X&Y code - based on the Baudot Code - it's colourful and cryptic. There's a code generator you could use to compose a short message for her and then maybe transfer that to be incorporated into either a card, a picture or work of art. It could be something personal to you both or you could choose lyrics from her favourite song from the album if you don't know what message to write. However, if you want to say something very private, the code isn't easily read by others.

Other than that, I'd say don't worry too much about how creative you are but choose a song or a lyric and express it in a drawing, painting, photograph - or any other way - and present it her. I am sure she'd appreciate anything that you have put time, effort and thought into - which you clearly are doing.

Over to you.


You could take the What If lyrics and add to "What if you should decide/

That you don't want me there by your side/That you don't want me there in your life" your own thoughts and write it down decoratively.

A ring or a pendant for wristband or necklace, engraving on the font side: X&Y, backside: her name & your name.Good Luck! L.Q.


1. Tim can draw a bath for her with all the works (bath salts, scented candles, bubbles) and make sure to have her favourite Coldplay songs on a playlist or CD ready to play whilst she's soaking in the tub.

2. My next suggestion would take a little more effort but he could create a video with pictures of him and his girlfriend, or clips he's videotaped with Coldplay playing in the background. There are programs like premiere or after effects that you can use with great tutorials that can be found on Google.

I hope I helped! All the best, Ory.


Try printing out one or two lines from different songs in different scripts and then making a poem or collage out of them to tell her how you feel. Google has many wonderful examples but try combining other things you like to do together into the collage to make it really personal. Add photos of yourselves and the band behind maybe in black and white to really make the words pop. If Coldplay is coming to somewhere near you sometime soonish then maybe you could put some tickets in there and let her find them.

Hope it helps! Frayiah.


My reply to that is make a painting or something like that.

Maybe if you have an instrument paint one up like Chris Martin does then give the guitar to her as a gift. That way she has something that is there for good and nothing that could easily get destroyed or damaged like if water or something got on it. Anyways good luck and cute story. Apple Jack.


Think about creating a special framed piece that will not only commemorate your girlfriend's love of X&Y but also your own relationship. Pick an appropriate song from the album - maybe A Message, Fix You, or Swallowed in the Sea and have the lyrics written out in calligraphy on nice paper (you can have someone do this or find a nice calligraphy font and just type/print it out). Put it in the center and then surround it with photos of the band from the X&Y era (you can find plenty of these online) and perhaps a copy of the CD art and frame the whole thing. Or create a collage of the photos/CD art and intersperse with lines of lyrics from the songs done in calligraphy. Somewhere among the band photos tuck in a picture of yourself and your girlfriend together. The framed piece could be as large or small as you like. This would make a lovely, one of a kind gift that I know she will love. Jill, United States.


I'm a HUGE Coldplay fan & my favourite album is X&Y. So as you said your girlfriend discovered Coldplay with this album, I suggest you to take a look at the code. You can write her name with the X&Y design, which is called Baudot Code.

You could make her a Coldplay Tee with her name written on it and add some lyrics of her favourite Coldplay X&Y's songs.

I'm sure your girlfriend heard about the Coldplay butterfly shape confetti?! So you could create some homemade ones for her, and write on it whatever you want - lyrics, or something more sentimental which would come from your heart.

You can also try to find her an elephant cuddly toy, which would refer to Coldplay's Paradise Song/Video.

Hope these few ideas can I help you out. I'm sure she will be happy and always remember: "It's the thought that counts" Good luck, Delphine from France.


Its actually a pretty creative idea to do it inspired by X&Y. Ok you can always do a collage with the names of the songs or inspired by the artwork in the album booklet. Try looking around on the website deviantart.com for inspiration and other collages. Or you can figure out what her name translates too as the squares on the album. (It's called the Baudot code) (Example: the cover means X&Y). Hope I helped, Meghan, USA.


Perhaps you could make her a card that is reminiscent of the X&Y album artwork- a dark-blue, square-shaped card with her name or a romantic sentiment in the Baudot alphabet on the front? You could use the lyrics of the album to write her a note inside.

Or on a larger scale, a surprise party or occasion could be made more X&Yish if you set out clues for her written in the Baudot alphabet.

Hope this helps, best of luck:D


I suggest you to chose a sentence for each song of the album, it can be important for you or reminds something about your girlfriend or a particular moment. You could also associate each song with some photos of you two. With all these things you could create a poster or a diary or put everything in dvd (all with X&Y’s graphic style)! Good creation! Stefania.


If she loves Coldplay, take her to see a Coldplay show! However, that all depends on tour dates and when you want your special occasion. If you want something more simple and intimate, try making a powerpoint or keynote presentation with pictures of the two of you with her favorite X&Y song in the background. You could also handmake a card for her and decorate it like any of the album covers. On the inside, write a thoughtful note that plays on the lyrics of her favorite songs. Whichever route you decide to take, make sure it comes from the heart, and you can't go wrong! Best of luck, Blake.


Thanks for your suggestions. Remember, Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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August 20, 2012 - submitted by James, United Kingdom


Q. I was looking through a setlist on WikiColdplay and it said that they performed Songbird/Fix You, is Songbird just another name for Fix You or two different songs?




The Oracle replies:


They are two different songs. Song titles appear on setlists as if the whole song was performed but more often than not, it's just Chris singing a few lyrics from the songs. Songbird is an Oasis track.

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August 20, 2012 - submitted by Daniel, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Oracle. I love how you've adopted the graffiti art form for the album. I was particularly interested in the music video for Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall which uses large quantities of graffiti. My question is, when you filmed the video at Millennium Mills, London, did you leave the graffiti behind, or was it just CGI? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


The graffiti was real but no, it wasn't left behind. The grafitti was removed by a team as each new shot was being set up.

Read more here.

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August 21, 2012 - submitted by Marcus, Hong Kong


Q. A simple question. Is it still possible to buy Mince Spies? And if yes where?



The Oracle replies:


Not unless anyone is selling their copy somewhere on the Internet I'm afraid. Very occasionally they turn up on a well-established auction site or an online store for rare collectibles. I just looked and couldn't find one.

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August 21, 2012 - submitted by Odet, United States of America


Q. Hi. I was wondering if you have ever played for the Queen of England before? Thanks.



The Oracle replies:


Ooh what a great question! Coldplay haven't played for Her Majesty as they didn't perform at the Golden or Diamond Jubilee concerts at the Palace, or the Olympics Opening Ceremony. Or indeed any other occasion thus far.

It doesn't mean that they won't; just that they haven't.

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August 22, 2012 - submitted by Chris, United States of America


Q. Hi,

Were any band members offended when the Coldplay twitter picture was made to the one of just Chris?



The Oracle replies:


It changes so no, that just happens to be the photo we're using at the moment.

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August 22, 2012 - submitted by Kristin, United States of America


Q. Hey Oracle. :)


Are the

that the boys used on their Viva La Vida tour normal sparklers? Uh, well how did they swing them around so easily I mean?


One of the most perfect moments ever. :)


Thanks so much.



The Oracle replies:


They're pretty standard and to be honest, every sparkler I have on Bonfire Night / New Year's Eve are swung around with the same great force and withstand it so maybe you've got to find a better sparkler provider...

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August 22, 2012 - submitted by Tim, Australia


Q. Do Coldplay have any backing vocals playing in their sample tracks when they perform live? If so, which songs?



The Oracle replies:


Not vocals but there are obviously studio recorded parts to enhance the live performances - like the MX intro for example.

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maybe you've got to find a better sparkler provider...



but there are obviously studio recorded parts to enhance the live performances


I'd like to see how they perform without it. Yes, I know it won't sound the same, but that's kind of the point. If they can't get a song to sound like anything other than absolute crap without the playback, that's a pretty good indication that the song shouldn't have been recorded to begin with. And since I'm pretty sure that they are more than capable of making all of their songs sound great by themselves whilst performing live (without any "enhancing")... I think they should try it sometime.

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August 23, 2012 - submitted by Anne, United States of America


Q. Hello Oracle, I have been searching for the video of Coldplay playing A Message in 2010 at the Haiti benefit but I can't find it!

If it exists can you show it to me?



The Oracle replies:


Here it is.

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