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Is sex important in a relationship?


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It's meant in good taste, this thread.


If you've not had sex and have an opinion, please state that, but don't use this thread to put all that "I'm still a virgin heheheh :o:o:o" stuff. This is a mature thread about mature opinions, if you'd please.



So think about it, have a vote, and reply with why you think that, if you have a reason, and how old you are. I think it'd be interesting to see what the general opinions of different age groups are.




Also... Just cause you have one opinion, doesn't mean you think everyone should be like that. So don't be ashamed to vote whatever you think, and worry that people will think you're trying to attack them with your view.

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Does this belong in the Sex Thread? just wondering



I think sex is important in a relationship. I obviously think there are far more important things like actual affection, but sex can be very important. It can give a sense of intimacy, and it can bring a relationship to a whole new level.


I am speaking as a virgin but this is what I believe and what I look forward to about sex.:)

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Does this belong in the Sex Thread? just wondering



I think sex is important in a relationship. I obviously think there are far more important things like actual affection, but sex can be very important. It can give a sense of intimacy, and it can bring a relationship to a whole new level.


I am speaking as a virgin but this is what I believe and what I look forward to about sex.:)




The Sex Thread is about "oooh i'm a virgin omg" more than it's about actual opinions. Plus, this has a poll. I can see why you might say that but if we always say "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION" then we'll never get anywhere because threads will be littered with old opinions and older posters.

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The Sex Thread is about "oooh i'm a virgin omg" more than it's about actual opinions. Plus, this has a poll. I can see why you might say that but if we always say "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION" then we'll never get anywhere because threads will be littered with old opinions and older posters.

True. That thread had some times when it was about real discussions and I liked it that way, but you're right, lately it's been pointless.

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For my answer then, I think a relationship could easily function (for me anyway) without sex, it's just a primal urge, it's not connecting with the person, unless you make it that way, taking it out of the relationship should not detract from the connection between the couple and if it does, something is amiss

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No offense meant here 2732, but how could you possibly know the after effects of sex in a relationship, the idea of it in your head is romanticised

I guess I couldn't possibly know. That's just what I hope sex will be like for me in a relationship. I won't want it just for the "urges" as you said. I hope that sex will be something I could use to make my relationship stronger. But like I said, speaking as a virgin, all I can do is hope that's how it will be.

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I think sex is an important part in a relationship but it shouldn't be the most important aspect in one. If it becomes one, then that relationship shouldn't be considered a "real" one. There is more to a relationship that just sex.Love and sex aren't the same thing because sex without love is just physical.

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I agree with you, but surely it's only that amazing connection the first time because it is a huge step for the relationship, not when it's the 12th/13th time

Well I would really have no idea. To me it seems it would be that amazing every time but I guess that's because I haven't experienced that.

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I agree with you, but surely it's only that amazing connection the first time because it is a huge step for the relationship, not when it's the 12th/13th time




I definately agree with that, it's a brilliant point. But I think it extends with many factors. I don't think it's just the first time, from experience. I think if you were having sex with a partner every night or so often, it'd become mundane and less special because you'd expect it and be used to it but I think if it wasn't a frequent thing and there was a build up.


I don't mean foreplay as build up. I mean like, you said yourself it's an instinct, so when those instincts get to a point, if it's not happening all of the time like clockwork or something you expect to happen, those instincts and urges can make it more of a connection than something "you just do".


If that makes sense...

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I think if you were having sex with a partner every night or so often, it'd become mundane and less special because you'd expect it and be used to it but I think if it wasn't a frequent thing and there was a build up.


I don't agree with that. If you actually love somebody, then sex should be something special all the time and it shouldn't be dull or ordinary. But the first time is always the most special. It just gets better after everytime :P

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I don't agree with that. If you actually love somebody, then sex should be something special all the time and it shouldn't be dull or ordinary. But the first time is always the most special. It just gets better after everytime :P

That's exactly what I expect. If the love is genuine and mutual, why can't it be special every time?

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I don't agree with that. If you actually love somebody, then sex should be something special all the time and it shouldn't be dull or ordinary. But the first time is always the most special. It just gets better after everytime :P





No, I disagree. There's a difference between enjoying something and having a special connection.


It's just human for it to lose it's shine after it becomes too frequent an occurance.


This isn't really a fantastic example but say you're a musician, you play a big gig infront of 10000 people. The first one is going to be incredible because it's special, and if you do it every year, it's special. If you do it every night, it won't be that special every time. It's just human nature.



I'm not saying you won't enjoy it more, or it won't get better, or you won't have that magical connection because it's someone you love. It would lose it's unique, specialness appeal if it became too common.



If you've had sex every day for a week, and then you don't for a month, and then do again once. Can you say that the last day of the week, and the first day after a month is the same? No, you can't. Because the month after will be more special because as a human you'll appreciate it more since it's not been there for you the 6 days previously...



God, it's hard to make sense, but I know what I mean...

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I love video games, but if I play them too much they lose the special feeling you get playing them and it just becomes routine.


that is essentially the point Jack and I were making

Well I love playing guitar and after more than 2 years of playing I still get all the joy and excitement out of playing that I did when I first started.


Perhaps it's because I love playing guitar more than you love those video games. The same with sex, maybe. If the love is stronger, I don't see how it could wear off. Maybe if does become routine it's because the love itself has become routine, it's no longer exciting or special.

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Well I love playing guitar and after more than 2 years of playing I still get all the joy and excitement out of playing that I did when I first started.


Perhaps it's because I love playing guitar more than you love those video games. The same with sex, maybe. If the love is stronger, I don't see how it could wear off. Maybe if does become routine it's because the love itself has become routine, it's no longer exciting or special.




I don't think you're human.

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You're missing the point, I think Jack put it slightly better than I did, I know what I mean and I can't think of how to put it into words

No I got the point, I just disagree. perhaps it's more of a personal thing. I don;t think you can say all people will feel the same way about sex. Maybe for some people it will get old, but for others (if they have the mindset), it can be just as special after time.


Once again, this is all just my speculation based on other experiences. I really have no idea. I just think like anything else, it depends more on the people.

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