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Girl aloud on 18th AND 19th?

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Hi, i'm sure this must be posted on countless threads but when i search 'girls aloud' i get well over 100 entries!


Basically, you someone please clarify whether Girls Aloud are playing on the Saturday 19th Sep? I know they're playing on the friday, but looking at http://www.coldplay.com/live.php and girls aloud's website, it seems to state that both jay-z and girls aloud are playing both dates. Wondered if this was a typo, as can;t find any official conformation anywhere and seetickets only indicate jay-z is playing on the saturday (http://www.seetickets.com/see/event.asp?e%7Cartist=COLDPLAY&n|artist=null&resultsperpage=20&filler1=see&filler2=art-srch&orderby=date).


Thanks! :)

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