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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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:lol: 2ana 2oul leh btejeh couzinteh men amerca bta3melneh "yiiiiiiiii! did you that Einstein only showers 2 times a year!!!:shocked:"


2elet 2ana mech ma32oul!!!!:P


:S ma ba3rif ma btefta7 ktir hay2eta:S







:laugh3: btetkheyale 2addeich mnestelemoun:laugh3:

bass l 2a7ad 2eja wa7ad men l s3oudiyeh 2alle 2ennou houwwe lebnene w 7eke meteelna kell l wa2et bel 2ekhir ya3melle: "ya3tike l 3afye, ana men l s3oudiyee" ana sattalet:shocked2: w rje3et fa2a3et de7ek:lol: stalamne:laugh3: allah ba3ato:P


merci ktir micha:cry: ma z3eelet:disappointed: :P

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^:laugh3::laugh3: oh Tammi:lol: you could translate what were saying to standard arabic if you post them here :shrug:


@Micha wein el 3adel bel dene? eh? la vendredi ente w ne7na 2elna kell jem3a mnetchar7at 3al tari2:angry: la2 3am bemza7:P bonne chance akid betla772e:hug:

EDIT: w yi Micha baddo yo2ta3 l masi7 ba3ed chway w yerka3o l chjar w n2oul "DEYM DEYM":awesome: ken lezim nrou7 3al knise n2addis l layle:shame:

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Ana 3am idrous Tarikh Al Fann ya3ni Art History. wu intou shu 3am bi ta3malou?


3anjadd?:wideeyed: seriously??:awesome: ana 3am ba3mil archeology:D w 3am bekhoud sfouf 3an art history:dance: 2ekhtisasetna ktir 2rab 3a ba3ed:o

b 2ayya jem3a:inquisitive:?? ana bel lebneye bel Fanar!!

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2aslan 2aslan 2aslan kelloun 2 jour 2affaytoun :embarrassed: khalas ma3le ma 2aslan ra7 2os2out :cry:


chefte 2enoo CP ray7in 3a israil? ma badde yehoun yrou7o la2anno ma bi3oud 2loun 7a22 yfouto 3a Lebnen:bigcry: lezim yejo la hone 2abel:disappointed:


leh ra7 toso2teh??? CHEDEH 7ALIK W NJA7EH:smug:


:o:o:o tab ma ************************************** LEEEEECH?!?!?!?!


wen sme3tiya???



@Eman 2enteh bi Amerca:stunned:

3am bet fakreh chi nhar wa2ta t5alseh terja3eh 3a Lebnen??

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Ana bi3eash bi america, bi 2idrous bil University of Michigan-Dearborn, fi arab ikteer hounik.


3anjad heyda ikteer hilew ya rita! subhanAllah keef hal world isghireh!


:o ente b america:shocked2:w ba3dik bte7ke 3arabe wow:wideeyed: nchalla tkoune mabsouta:D eh hiyye ktir 7elwe bass ma fya che8el b lebnen:cry: w 2ana ma badde fell:( ra7 terja3e 3a lebnen??


leh ra7 toso2teh??? CHEDEH 7ALIK W NJA7EH:smug:


:o:o:o tab ma ************************************** LEEEEECH?!?!?!?!


wen sme3tiya???



@Eman 2enteh bi Amerca:stunned:

3am bet fakreh chi nhar wa2ta t5alseh terja3eh 3a Lebnen??


2add ma 3ende dares w projeyet ma 3am la7i2 :( halla2 3al sea 12 khallaset projet 2ele men novembre b7arti2 fi:P (kell l nhar ma 3melet chi kenet mdaperse w 2arrare 2edrous 3al se3a 5 w b2it la halla2:sick:) 2rit chi 4 ketoub w badde rou7 3a deir bel chmel ba3ed, 7 se3at 3a fared sa7be 3am bechte8il fi:wreck: ma sadde2et bass kholis (ma3 2enno m2effeye ktiiiiiiiiiir ktiiiiir ktiiiiir 2echya:P)


2rita bel thread taba3 israel, last post:bigcry: nchalla tkoun kezeb, 2aslan bel 2009 talla3o rumors enno ra7 yrou7a w ma sar chi but this time it sounds true:(

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^^ tab ma yil3an ************************************ yijo 3a Lebnen w l 3ama kel Lebnen byinzal 3al concert 7atta yalli sem3in VLV bass byinzalo(ya3neh kel l balad)


^OH :O ok yalla 2ana ra7 2a3melik follow hala2


(btw 3am bi 2oulo barkeh facebook yi sakir le 15 mars bass 2al mennon 2enno mech 2akid:S)

bass 2eza sakar nchalla ma 7ada yijeh 3a Tumblr bi sir bel marra metel FB:S

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hehehe 2eh 3anjadd aslan fo ktiiiiiir ktir ktiiir 3alam bi7ebbouwoun 3enna:bigcry: 2a7sanloun yejo:whip:


merci:nice: baedne 3am bet3allam 3leh:P bloggik ktir helo:D


eh chefta 3endik, ana 2aslan ma b7eb FB bass ma3ik 7a22 heik kenet 3am fakkir nchalla ma heik ysir bass ma b7ess 2enno betsir la2anno tumblr 2as3ab men fb:shrug:

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w fi film 2eza badik to7dari (BA3ED MA T5ALSEH L PROJEYET YALLI BA3ED MA DA2AYTEH FIYON!!!) w badik tebkeh 7dari 2esmo Le Tombeau des lucioles 2ana w 5ayeh kenna 2e3din 3am nebkeh kel l wa2et (5ayeh 3amro 19!!) bass ktiiiiiiiiiiiiir 7elo w ktiiiiiiiiir bi bakeh!


^ 2eh bass wa2ta btet3awadeh 5alas bi sir metel chi le3beh! 2ana soret le2eh FB 2as3ab men Tumblr hala2:S

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3an 7a2i2a 3ende 1 projet prehistoire, 1 3an l art chretien medieval au Liban (hayda yalle khallasto), projet mythologie w wa7ad geo bala ta3me:P


ktir b7ebb l mangas:wideeyed: chaklo ktir 7elo:dance: 2awlik ble2i b ma7allet dvd 3adeh??:thinking: bnazzlo 3an l internet eza chi...


2ele medre kam chher ma 3am besma3 cp:disappointed: bass halla2 7deret hayda:



w 3am berja3 7ebboun:blush:


EDIT: 1000 posts:dance:

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