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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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^salemtik:nice: sa77ayte halla2?:hug:

:laugh3::laugh3:2adrab saff, ma 2akid mazel Micha b hal saff, ente teffe7a m3affne:P (heik ken y2ellna 2estez l theatre bel madrase:lol:)!!! bass leik 7azzik:lol:

ktir ze3lene 2enno haydik l shi lli betmassil 7eble bel bebe taba3 Matt:disappointed: (guitarist taba3 muse...)

3nde ktir ktir ktir dares:wreck: ra7 jarrib ma 2eltehe 3al internet la kenet khallastoun, bchoufik....:escaping:

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chefte 2enne bedrous:D lyom 2addamet 2 projets 3melet mni7 2alouleh, w la mercredi 3ende 2addim projet mkhallseto w fa7sein boukra bedrelsoun....wa7ad seryene ktir krit ktir so3ib w l pere yalle bi3allemne ktir bikhawwif:P


ma badde 2ektebla 2esma hone:angry: choufiya 3a google 2aw chi:disappointed: ana ma bti2a:blank:

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: "ma badde 2ektebla 2esma hone"




leykeh bel madrasseh 3am na3mol projeyet 3an l siye7a bi lebnen w lezim nrou7 3a ma7al lal siye7a barkeh notla3 3a mat7af l chame3 (wa2ta 2alna 2enno fi mat7af l chame3 fakaret fikeh:lol: ) barkeh notla3 la 3andik w nes2alik 2as2ila:dance: bass mech 2akid barkeh nerja3 nkamil Baallbek (7assab l groupe!)

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eh mabadde:blank: bass mabsouta 2enno ra7 ysir fi mini matt:awesome:


merci:nice: hay l jem3a keniyt halek:wrekh: 2addamet 3 projeyet w 3melt 3 f7ousat w metet ta3ab:sick: w ba3ed ma ballachna f7ousat final:bigcry:


EH TA3O:dance::awesome: mech men shame3 3enna, men silicon:shrug:

bass 2elile 2amtin nezlin la2anno ma 3am rou7 gheir 2eyyem l 3aj2a la2anno 3am bikoun 3ende ktir dares.

bass Baalback bet3a2id:cheesy:

bonne chance bel projet:hug:

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KATE HUDSON?!?!?!?! :shocked2:




eh bass l 2estez l bahleh 2alna 3a tari2 Jeita 2abel l grotte fi musée taba3 l chame3 fa 2aw houweh bahleh 2aw 2enteh mech dersseh 2aw badkon t5allo l 3alam tfakir 2enno heneh chame3 bass heneh 2aslan silicon


(2ana b2oul 2estezeh mech 3erif)


ok bass l hay2a ra7 nkamil Baallbek 2eza ma kamalneha b2elik w mna3melik zyara!:D

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nyellik mech 3eref e fiya:disappointed:


la2 2estezik mghalbat, mazbout men2allif khbar 3al souwe7 bass la2 ma3moulin men silicon:P kelloun byejo mfakkrin 2enno men chame3 w bass yfouto men2elloun: "2ala w sahla fikoun b mat7afan ll farid men naw3o bel 3alam la2anno l chaksiyet masnou3in men silicon men men chame3..." bass eh ta3o:dance:

Baalbeck byptla3 bisattil:bomb: ra7 nballich nedrous 3anno b tene semestre w 2ana 3am natnit 2add ma mabsouta:D

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eh:lol: Baalbeck=heaven:P

ok bass 2oulile w kell shi...


chou sayir b hal balad:wreck: ma ba3rif 2eza ra7 rou7 3al jem3a boukra:cry: ken badde khallis projet lyom (lezim 2addmo boukra ye3ne majboura khallso aslan:P) bass msadd2a 2enno ma ykoun fi jem3a w ma be2dir 2echte8il chi:P 2a7la chi 2eza byrou2 l wade3 3aboukra w btefta7 l jem3a w ana bekoul l dareb:wreck:

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3am ba3emlo, bass ba3ed 3ende l conclusion, 2else chi se3a ma 3am ba3rif chou badde 2ektoub:sick: w ken lezim 2a3emlo chi 5 pages toli3 ma3e 4 w noss w mkabbra l khatt 14 badel 12, ma 3am le2e ma3loumet:shrug:

l jem3a taba3e fet7a bass mama w baba ma baddoun ykhalloune rou7 w ana lezim rou7 boukra 2addim l projet w 3ende fa7es, 7kit yalle ma3e bel saff 4 ray7in w 2 ma bya3erfo w ma badde ma rou7 2eze henne ra7o:anxious: ra7 jenn ma ba3rif chou badde 2a3mil:wreck:


EDIT: please please se3dine kaffe:bigcry: ghefye mech 3am ba3rif chou badde 2ektoub w kello ghalat w hayda projet bel 3arabe l saff geo mech archeologie bass majboura 2ekhdo la2anno taba3 l jem3a l lebnenye ktir mahdoumin:angry: layke chou soret keteb:


الزراعة و الثروات الطبيعية عامل أساسي في تعلق أبناء الريف بأرضهم و قريتهم، فرغم إضطرار البعض منهم إلى النزوح أو الهجرة وترك العمل الزراعي والتوجه إلى قطاعات

أخرى...ما زال لديهم تعلق بلدتهم و ما زالوا يعملوا لتطويرها فهي نتيجةً لذلك تشهد حركة تمدين كبيرة كما هو الحال في معظم قرى لبنان. و


chou bkaffe, bass jemle we7de please 2abel ma mout:wreck:

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^^:lol: ma ba3rif 7atta chou badeh 2a3mol wa2ta 2okbar 2araftineh l archeologie hala2:P


EDIT: Bonne nuit!!!:kiss:

boukra 2awal se3a 3andeh teri5:(

---> ma3leh bnem w 2e5ir se3a catechese :P




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rje3et katabet chi bala ta3me:P yalla boukra b3awwid bel final:P

la2 mech l archeo l me2erfe, bel 3akes ktir ktir ktir 7elwe w betsattil w kell shi:bomb: 2enno 7ada byonbasyt la2anno 3endo projet? ANA BONBESIT 2ADD MA 7ELO L DARES TABA3 L ARCHEO:bomb:...hye l jem3a l lebneniye l mechekle:angry: day3a l tasse honik w ma 7ada bya3rif chi men chi, fi we7de btechteghil bel bibliotheque MA BTA3RIF TO2RA:o ma32oul!!!! 3anjadd l archeo bet3a2id 2eza bet7ebbya ktir btonboste:D


terikh w cathecheses?? chta2et lal madrase:disappointed: kif 3alemetik l sene? akid mne7:nice: 3endik te2dim?

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:lol: "fi we7de btechteghil bel bibliotheque MA BTA3RIF TO2RA" :lol:


eh 3andeh te2dim w kel l m3almet bya3mloulna ka2anno l te2dim chi MOU5IIIIIIIIF MWAHAHAHAHA kel ma 2oul la 7ada 2enneh 3eme bya3mloulleh "mmmmmm..... ya3neh 3andik te2dim l seneh???"

2ENNO EH 2EZA 3EME YA3NEH 3ANDEH TE2DIM 2arafouneh yeh lal te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim te2dim ....5ALAAAAAAAAAAASS

anw ma 5asik 2enteh:P



3alemeteh.... 2e5ir carnet jebet 13.42..... 42.....42...42...42 CP!!!!!!!:D

w hala2 fi 3anna fa7ess fevrier:(


2al fi menon 3anna bel saf ra7o la 3andkon 3a mat7af l silicon!:O

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mech 3am bemza7:o MA Btra3rif to2ra!!!!!!!:angry:


haha:laugh3::laugh3: ken badde 2es2alik 2ezam 3am betsam3e 3laye 2emete 2eltiye:nice:

bass eh bonne chance men halla2, akid ra7 ta3emle ktir ktir mni7:nice::dazzled: w 42 hiyye signe:D


ana kamen 3ende f7ousat be fevrier:cry:

yi 2ejo!!! ye3ne ente ma fike teje?:disappointed:

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mech 3am bemza7:o MA Btra3rif to2ra!!!!!!!:angry:


haha:laugh3::laugh3: ken badde 2es2alik 2ezam 3am betsam3e 3laye 2emete 2eltiye:nice:

bass eh bonne chance men halla2, akid ra7 ta3emle ktir ktir mni7:nice::dazzled: w 42 hiyye signe:D


ana kamen 3ende f7ousat be fevrier:cry:

yi 2ejo!!! ye3ne ente ma fike teje?:disappointed:

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