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Lebanese Coldplay fans?!


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an eh jarbeh fouteh 3a facebook 8ayreh l language la english(pirate) 2aret de7ek!!!:lol:



Liom fet l directeur (big shit) 3a l sfouf w 2achat medreh kam cellulaires (bel 3eme w 4eme) fi menon houweh w 3am bi nabechon masalan 7atou bel boxer(sobyen) l banet 3al cour feto 7al 7ememet 7atou bi souteineton w menon bi kalseton l twal 2ana ken ma3eh iPod 7atayto bi sobateh....:lol: bass ma fet 3a safna ma ba3rif leh!!!

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2ehhhh heik 3am ba3mil:dance:


:laugh3::laugh3: kenet 7atteta pirate bel sayfiyye:P khayy zakkartine badde redda heik, merci:awesome:


hehehe:laugh3: machi 3endekoun 2eza heik, l directeur yalle ken 3enna pere (pere chikrallah) bichalle7na l bot w l kalset ken bass yfout ya3mil kabset 3al cellulaire:o w yofrougt l chenat w kell chi w bichal7ik l bot w baddik tnaffdy 3al 2ared ta ychouf enno ma fy chi!!! Ktir Jorsa:wreck:

mni7 enno ma 2akhadouwa:anxious: ana ma bdayn bala l musique 3al cellulaire(ma 3ende iPod) bekhoud ma3e l cellulaire kell yom 3al jem3a bass kermel l musique, 2nja2 bestam3emlo l 8eir chi:blank:

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2ana 3andeh iPod Nano l carré l 2adim taba3 2008

Ktir b7ebo 2ekela 100000000000 wa23a 1000000 5abta 10000000 ma7al 2e5deto mech sayerlo chi ba3do jdid!:P


:o2ou3a ya3mol fina hek 2aslan mamnou3!!!! hala2 l tanen b5alli bel beit.

na7na 2al fadda kaza chanta!

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:laugh3::laugh3: kell hal khabit w ba3do meche?:lol: 2allah y2awwilik yeh:P ana heik ana w l cellulaire, l appareil l 2adim 2add ma akel wa23at w heik ma3ad ydour ba3den w sar ykharrif w medre chou:P ntebhe 3le 7aram!!:P


2eh 2ou3a ya3mil heik:wreck: ma tekhdi ma3ik laken re2 3a wad3o M. le directeur ballouta:P


ya2alla badde 2e7dar Harry Potter 7 ba2a:bigcry:

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eh 3refet:( ktir b7ebb Jack White ma3 2enno ma ba3rif 8eir ghenniye we7dela 2eloun:P bass 7dere hayda l film yalle 3am bi7ottou 3atoul ma3o w ma3 The Edge w l guitariste taba3 Led Zepplin w ktir soret 7ebbo:wideeyed: lezim 2esma3oul 2aghene aktar:escaping:


eh chefte chou 7elwe:bomb::wacky: 3amme msefar 3a l vatican ta ysawir wa2ta baddoun y7otto temsel l Mar Maroun honik:D

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eh 3refet:( ktir b7ebb Jack White ma3 2enno ma ba3rif 8eir ghenniye we7dela 2eloun:P bass 7deret hayda l film yalle 3am bi7ottou 3atoul 3al showchi ma3o w ma3 The Edge w l guitariste taba3 Led Zeppelin w ktir soret 7ebbo:wideeyed: lezim 2esma3oul 2aghene aktar:escaping:


eh chefte chou 7elwe:bomb::wacky: 3amme msefar 3a l vatican ta ysawir wa2ta baddoun y7otto temsel l Mar Maroun honik:D

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ktir 7elo:bomb: lezim te7dary, khallene sir badde de22 guitar:wacky:

bass chou 2esmo?:P


lek kif se2abit?:o ya 3dara:stunned:

Seven Nation Army hiyye l ghenniye l wa7ideh lli ba3refa la 2eloun:shame: bass ktir b7ebba:D kif bel 2awwal bikhalle l guitar yotla3 sawto ka2anno bass:wideeyed:

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ba3rif 2ana 2e3deh 3am bor2os wa2ta chefet l news nsadamet bya3meleh 5ayeh :"chou 2ostik nbala3teh kelik sawa?"


Ba3rif de2a 3al guitar ktir hayneh 2al houweh byista3mol effect bel 2awal ta totla3 hek chefta 3a youtube:thinking:Ma ba3rif chou 2esmo l film :P chefet bel 2awal 2awal 2anja2!

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bta3erfe tde2iya 3al guitar??:o Micha bet3a22de:wideeyed: lek chou salbeh:awesome:


ana 7adreto chi 4 marrat w wala marra 7adreto men l 2awwal:laugh3:

chi 5 mins. w bfout bnem, mayyte na3aas:wreck:


w yi!! ballachet retraite, f7ousate biballcho next week:bigcry:


bonne nuit:hug: be7kike wa2ta koun 3am bedrous:P

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