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Is Speed Of Sound A Song About Evolution

Guest howyousawtheworld

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Guest howyousawtheworld

How long before I get in

Before it starts before I begin?

How long before you decide

Before I know what it feels like?

Where to, where do I go?

If you never try then you'll never know

How long do I have to climb

Up on the side of this mountain of mine?


Look up, I look up at night

Planets are moving at the speed of light

Climb up, up in the trees

Every chance that you get is a chance you seize

How long am I gonna stand

With my head stuck under the sand?

I'll start before I can stop

Or before i see things the right way up


All that noise and all that sound

All those places i got found

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you'd understand


Ideas that you'll never find

All the inventors could never design

The buildings that you put up

Japan and China all lit up

A sign that I couldn't read

Or a light that I couldn't see

Some things you have to believe

Others are puzzles puzzling me


All that noise and all that sound

All those places I got found

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you'd understand

Ah when you see it then you'll understand


All those signs I knew what they meant

Some things you can't invent

Some get made and some get sent, ooh ooh

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you'd understand

Oh when you see it then you'll understand




Well? Or to be more precise not strictly about THE PROCESS of evolution but about realisation and wonder to how we came to being. The lines"Look up, I look up at night planets are moving at the speed of light ,climb up, up in the trees,

Every chance that you get is a chance you seize" seems to be that he is suggesting that we stop for a moment and think and question what is out there. The fascination with planets suggest a knowledge we don't have, but knowledge we desperately crave. "Climb up up in the trees" seems to tell us that you take a vantage point and gaze at the land around you with fascination. "Every chance that you get" means that we as humans take advantage of viewing such beauty. The fact that he goes on "how long before I see things the right way up" is possibly stating a regret at not doing this more often and not taking advantage of what we are.


The chorus with it's imagery of birds is perfect. The use of the bird is perfect. An elegant, exotic, soaring piece of nature. A beautiful sight representing the brilliance of what can evolve. The line "Birds came flying from the underground" states that these beautiful creatures , like all of us started from the bottom ie, simple organisms, to what they and we have become today. The lyric "If you see it then you'll understand" is a message to anyone who hasn't yet realised this but the witnessing of a stunning event nature can show us.


The second verse picturing Japan and China symbolises what us humans can achieve. Maginificent works of architecture ("The buildings that you put up") the incredible technology ("Ideas that you'll never find ,All the inventors could never design") all so incredibly advanced that most of us cannot fit in to our minds how such brilliance can work but we generally don't seem to think that way and we just accept them as they are, like for example home computers. ("Some things you have to believe, Others are puzzles puzzling me") It's a verse that symbolises what man has achieved! The last verse with the lyric "All those signs I knew what they meant, Some things you can't invent" might suggest that man has become so brilliant and genius but still things in life remain hard to achieve for us, like world peace or a time machine that can take us to the very edge of the universe. That seems hard to invent.


The fact that this song was inspired by the birth of Chris Martin's child further enhances this meaning. What else can be more eye opening or beautiful than the birth of a child. What more else can provide you with a realisation of what life is?

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Guest howyousawtheworld
your explaination of this song is what i have always thought it meant (just you put it more in depth). :D



Good to see we're on the same wavelength then huh?:laugh3:

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Cedars of Lebanon is win.


Hmmm? Random but it is an excellent. Not as good a closer as The Wanderer or Mothers of the Disappeared though!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3YFmpSFJ40]YouTube - U2 AND JOHNNY CASH -- THE WANDERER by U2MIXER[/ame]

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Guest howyousawtheworld
I think I got your point, if it's like saying stop and think where do we came from, what's the wonder and nature we are we going.... if so brilliant never thought that way


Yeah, that's it. The great thing about Chris Martin's lyrics are that they are very ambiguous which means you can come up with any random stuff you might think the song is about!

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