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lol you americans know a lot about football.hehe. well don`t worry i`m not good at these things either. all i know is that the next world cup is in 2004 and will take place in..... i dunno i`m not sure but i ffink germany.


last year it took place in korea and japan and brazil won. germany were second. poland didn`t get to the finals :o surprise surprise there. but we did beat usa 3;1 muahahaha :P


i don`t know what you meant by asking 'how many teams are in england?'

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ALOT of questions. when is it. where is it. who is playing in it. and what are the top 5 teams in the world. and when are the men's world cup? ALSO how many teams are in england.


Erm we talking mens football for the last 2 questions or just the one with the word "men" in it?


Mens world cup is due again in 2006.


Womans world cup I belive starts sometime soon if not already...*note jessy says its already begun*






may be of help

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ALOT of questions. when is it. where is it. who is playing in it. and what are the top 5 teams in the world. and when are the men's world cup? ALSO how many teams are in england.


Erm we talking mens football for the last 2 questions or just the one with the word "men" in it?


Mens world cup is due again in 2006.


Womans world cup I belive starts sometime soon if not already...*note jessy says its already begun*






may be of help


yeah i meant 2006 not 2004 :rolleyes: :D

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