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S.O.S. Haití


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EnglishHi friends ! sorry for put in the forum this sad problem, but many people is living a nightmare like in the more cruel horror or catastrophical film due the earthquake in Haití.


Coldplay and more artists are doing their contribution.


We can do the same. In order to make a safe contribution who reach honestly the more afected people I suggest visit http://www.icrc.org/spa or http://www.unicef.org


Many people will be gratefull and remember life is a circle, in the future the nature could hit us.


PD: sorry for my english


Regards from Uruguay

Juan Gabriel



Hola amigos !! lamento tener que tocar este tema, pero muchisimos hermanos están viviendo una situación peor o igual a las peores películas de terror o cine catástrofe debido al terromoto en Haití.


Coldaplay, muchos artistas más estan haciendo lo suyo por ayudar esa gente.


Nosotros tambíen podemos hacer algo. Prueben con la pagina de Unicef o la Cruz Roja http://www.icrc.org/spa o http://www.unicef.org


Recuerden que la vida es un circulo y mañana la naturaleza nos puede golpear a nosotros.


Abrazo desde Uruguay

Juan Gabriel




Hola amigos no Brasil ! desculpa por ter que tocar este triste tema neste foro, mais muita gente fica vivendo uma situaçao muito caotica no Haití, igual o muito pior do que nos más terribles film de terror o catastrofe.


Coldplay esta fazendo sua parte pra colaborar con esta gente.


Nos podemos fazer nossa parte. Accese http://www.icrc.org/spa o http://www.unicef.org e deixe sua colaboraçao, por mais pequenha que parezca e enorme pra eles.


A vida e un circulo e manhana a natureza posse golpear nossos países.


meu portugues e muito limitado mais suficiente pra trasmitir este mensajem e sua propia lengua.


Abraço desde Uruguay

Juan Gabriel

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OXFAM AMERICAN posted something about it being a special Service Day or the like - and that people living in DC should help out near the Haitian Embassy that had received lots of stuff donated by Americans to HAITI. They could use more hands for the days to come.


I will start a thread called "UNICEF SITUATION REPORT ON HAITI" made on 17 January 2010 by UNICEF HAITI and sent to me and other regular UNICEF supports. This to keep you posted of events / progress there.


HAITI NEWS posted on the threads: Aid for Haiti; Haiti earthquake - Chris' message; Help Red Cross and Unicef help victims of natural disasters AND Updates of the situation in South East Asia AND HAITI.

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