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Woman killed while walking to work in freak grass cutter accident


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Woman killed while walking to work in freak grass cutter accident



By Richard Shears

Last updated at 12:19 PM on 03rd March 2010



A woman walking to work has been killed in a freak accident after a piece of steel thrown up by a grass cutter hit her in the head.

Horrified witnesses said the 42-year-old woman had been scalped by the piece of steel piping and died instantly.

The accident occurred as the woman, who has not been named, was walking along a footpath in the city of Townsville, Queensland, Australia.



Accident: The woman, 42, was walking to work in Townsville, Australia, when she was hit in the head by a piece of steel piping thrown up by a grass cutter


She began walking past an empty plot of land where a small tractor was towing a grass cutter.

The machine ran over a piece of steel piping hidden in the long grass, throwing it at high speed and striking the woman in the head.

An ambulance rushed to the scene, but the woman had died instantly.

Medics believed that a blade from the mower had caused the woman's death because of the extent of her injuries.

The driver of the tractor, who was working for a private contractor, was treated for shock at the scene.


Enlarge article-1255117-088BD340000005DC-93_468x356.jpg

Shock: The woman was killed instantly after the piece of steel scalped her


A witness said: 'She would not have known about it. It seemed the piece of metal flew through the air at a tremendous speed.

'This just goes to show that terrible things can happen to anybody at any time in any place.

'You are always aware that you could die in a car accident - but just walking to work and dying in this way is just unbelievable.

'It's something you could never prepare for.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1255117/Woman-42-killed-walking-work-steel-piping-thrown-grass-cutter-hits-head.html#ixzz0h8ASN8s5

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^ Reminds me of January this year when I got almost killed by a giant ice plate that fell down on the pavement from a roof like 1 meter in front of me.


Fucking hate these happenings! :(


That's very shocking! I've had moments like this too, including unforeseen circumstances while skiing and driving.;)

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You wouldn't know where Townsville is otherwise, you'd think it was near Brisbane (which is in same state but v different location).


Hey, at least it was instantaneous, but what a freaky way to go.

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