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Jade and Lily's thread : if you're bored come say "hello"


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Thanks! :heart:

Haha one of my dreams is to travel Europe! We should tooootally do that house-swap thing they do in that movie 'The Holiday'! :laugh3: I'm joking... don't freak out :P


Hmmm well I've never really listened to either :embarrassed:, I've just never really been exposed to either... but Jonsi is coming out to Splendour in the Grass (a festival I'm going to in a couple of months) so I've started listening to him just recently :D


Haha I thought of this "Holiday" movie thing too while telling you I wanted to go to Australia, no kidding ! :D Don't worry I know you're kidding. This would be so cool though ! :P


Ah cool. Festivals are great!


i want to go to Australia... where are you from in there??


I'm form Barcelona (Spain)


Aww Barcelona! I want to go there as well! I probably will soon, it's not that far !

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Jajajaja Yeah it's mid.day (she is going to eat I suppose, I think people eat really early in France)

Or is just that I Spain we eat too late...


Ohh I like Koalas of course!!!! But well, it comes from the fact that I ussally slow working and Koalas usually sleep. I don't know why my mother told me that I was like a Koala because I don't like sleeping so much and I'm usally stressed, but in anyway I love Koalas, they seem sweet :)


Ohh and have a good day!!

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you've seen it? so is it good?


Koala you don't like MGMT? i liked their first album more than last one. :(


I don't see it but the trailer is pretty good. :nice:


Me too I love more the first album than the last one. :(

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those last years tends that new bands make great first album but the sophomore is so meh :\


offtopic but my cat is definitelly crazy :lol:

she jump on her cage and it fell of, so is upside down now, but she acts as if it were normal, hiding there :lol: well now she has pick the ball again.

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no, we got her a cage (don't know the exact word in english for that) so when we have a long drive south we can carry her, she loves it, in fact when we are not using it, she looks for it at home to play hide and seek, as she is doing now, for her is like a new toy or a playful companion.



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