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Jade and Lily's thread : if you're bored come say "hello"


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Hi everybody ! :)

How are you today ?

I'm going here sorry, because IT'S SUNNY IN LONDON FINALLY !! :dance:

Well at least today, I don't know for the end of the week. :\

So I went to Hyde Park and Oxford Street, I was so nice, this town is so f*cking great. :P

Hope you're fine all. :nice:



SUNNY IN LONDON FINALLY!! :) Great news. Here in Denmark it was mostly cloudy, and in the afternoon there was a major shower with heavy rain and hail. In another part of the Copenhagen metropolitan area - close to Copenhagen airport, 20 mm of rain and hail fell in less than 1 hour, and the hail was big so that it looked like a winter landscape, I read on text-TV.

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Hello Nancy :) How are you today ?

In south of France, there are some places where it was raining 200mm of water and they explained that it was normally raining during 1/4 of the year. Rain for 3 months in one night :o:o


I hope the weather will be good when we'll be in London :stunned:

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Thank you. :nice:

Not really, I'm just here for visiting the city. my parents paid me one year in London if I had my last exam in high school and I got it so. :D

I'll come back in France and studying. :cry: :P

And you ?

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i've been here all my life (22 years) but i haven't ruled out leaving the country in the future. i'd like to live somewhere in europe, whether it is scandinavia or a country like france or belgium i don't know. i might be going to france this summer, though it is looking unlikely. my parents said they would pay for me to go for a week with my friends but i don't think we can find a time when we are all free.


are you going on to college or university then?

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ah cool. i studied psychology briefly and enjoyed it.

i do a history and politics degree at university. i mainly enjoy the history side of things but i don't know what i'm going to do with my qualification when i'm done :confused:


i think i'd just like to work in a library for a few years, or a museum. then i don't know what.



it's been nice to speak to you. i should get some sleep but i'm sure we'll speak again.


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