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What have you learned today?

Prince Myshkin

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I had to answer a question that said: "Are you currently a member of a terroristic organisation or planning any terroristic acts?" :blank:


I should have clicked yes, just for the sake of it. :awesome:

I can't believe they seriously asked that. As if anyone who is would actually say, "why yes, of course I am!" Wow, our gubmint can be so silly sometimes. (Okay, a lot of the time.)


And I actually got pulled aside in customs when I returned home in July. :| Because you know, I look SO evil.

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Oh all of the questions were pretty silly ... as if anyone admits that he/she is planning to stay without a visa.

And yes, I also kidnapped my half-American child and robbed the father of his right of custody. :cheesy:

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And yes, I also kidnapped my half-American child and robbed the father of his right of custody. :cheesy:

Sadly that does happen quite often. But I seriously doubt they would say "oh I want to go back there now that I'm a fugitive derp de derp derp derp."

So once again... why is such a question even ON the form? mmmph

Although I suppose maybe if a person answers "no" but they really are, the government could bring other charges against them (false statements to the government) in addition to any charges directly related to the crime.

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^ Actually it was the flower seeds. I could have just lied and said, "no I don't have anything organic", but of course I felt the need to be honest. They didn't care that it was a gift. :disappointed:


Now I remember, stupid customs :(

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Sadly that does happen quite often. But I seriously doubt they would say "oh I want to go back there now that I'm a fugitive derp de derp derp derp."

So once again... why is such a question even ON the form? mmmph

Although I suppose maybe if a person answers "no" but they really are, the government could bring other charges against them (false statements to the government) in addition to any charges directly related to the crime.


Yeah, that's true.

I still felt pretty silly to answer all those questions, but I suppose some might feel like "they're onto them" or something. :tongue:

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That my daughter can now climb to the top of the aerial tissue!

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_tissue) :awesome:



That I don't have breast cancer! :awesome:


omg katie WHAT?!?


excellent news of course, but WHAT?!?


Carriiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! What the hey?! How long have you been a mod for? Congratulations! :dance:


It's all good ..... now. Just had a (probably over exaggerated) scare but the mammograms came back clear, so it's all good!

Lesson to all you ladies out there, grope yourself regularly - and if you find anything get it checked out ASAP! :whip:

Don't be a dumbarse and leave it for a long time. Like some people. :shame:

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Today I learned that I get very stressed out when I invite people over.

Ok no, I do know that I get stressed out, but not THIS much.

I invited a boy over to watch Heima with me and I find him rather interesting,

and I've liked him for a couple months now and ugh I am going to faint jesus christ I need to chill.

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