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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHvDNfDzA68]Travis Barker of Blink 182 On Punk'd!! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB8Dw6HDjZw&feature=watch_response]Travis Barker On Punk'd Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]


here's the thingy btw

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Bobby: You recently appeared on the MTV show, "Punk'd".


Travis: Yep.


Bobby: What was going through your mind as it was all happening?


Travis: After?


Bobby: Well like during it and after.


Travis: During it, I just kept going like, my girl, my girlfriend is so like usually, like she never, I don't know, we never ever... There's never ever another guy. So it was way out, it was way out all the shit she was saying. She kept laughing, you know? You don't see this in "Punk'd" because they edit it. And I'm drunk basically. And the lighting is really, really lit up and there's weird people that look like actors in the restaurant with me. You know what I mean?


Bobby: Ya.


Travis: So I'm kind of putting two and two together but then I was just like contemplating, "Should I hit this mother fucker?" or should I just be the bigger man and let this go? Like what should I do? So by the very end my exact words to him were like: "Man, you know what, you can have my old lady. But, you know, I still think you're a homo and I still thing you're, you know, you're a dork." You know, blah blah blah. And he's like "man, you're crazy, I can't believe the things you say." And then I invited him outside and he wouldn't go outside with me. So Ashton Kutcher came up and I almost hit Ashton Kutcher, but they won't show that on MTV either. And then afterwards it was funny, I was just laughing. But for me, personally, when someone fucks with me, it's hard for me to ever think that it's a joke. You know what I mean?


Bobby: Yep.


Travis: So afterwards, I still wanted to fucking lay into this guy, I was like dying. But it was just a joke, it was just so funny. That was my birthday and as it happened, my girlfriend planned this elaborate day like we'd go to this rad dinner, and then afterwards, after I got "Punk'd"; we went and she had a huge party for me in Los Angelas with all my friends and there were belly dancers, it was amazing.


I think the show is rad. It's real, like you get people's honest reactions. Which I think is rad because with a show like that you can see how people really are. You know what I mean?


Bobby: Yep.


Travis: Like I had no idea there's a fucking camera looking at me, that's how I'd react if someone did that.


They all say "rad" so much. :P

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