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Different perceptions

Prince Myshkin

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I've been thinking over the last few days about how different people view the things that they experience, both in life and even on this board. Being hungover I probably won't explain this point well but I find the topic interesting.


I have noticed on the board different ways in which people react and respond to certain events, certain types of people, or simply the way that they themselves communicate and seem to assimilate the information which they see or create on this board. With many different people here, from many different countries, each with their own set of cultures and traditions there is a lot going on. The vast majority of this board and the posts within it, however, are of English language, which is to many a second language, or perhaps third or fourth.


It is interesting to sometimes see the confusion on the board and it led me to wonder how people perceive the board and those who are on it. People can read so much into a post, even though it could be steeped in irony or sarcasm or even just a flippant remark not meant to be taken seriously. We make perceptions of the people we meet here based almost entirely on the content of their posts (naturally, as this is all we can base our opinions on and it would be odd for us not to make any judgement whatsoever).


If the one thing we make our judgements on is so insecure and not as reliable as we would like to imagine (as we have no idea regarding the seriousness of the post or the posters true intent), just how accurate are our perceptions? To each one of us this board could be a completely different experience.


I first pondered this (without naming names in a negative way as I have nothing against this poster) when Lory made a post which completely baffled me, though some of it made sense. First of all the point which was being made was based on a misunderstanding of a previous post of another member and I was confused as to what exactly she had thought that the other member had meant. Then the fact that her own post wasn't as clear as it would have been in her own language (but had still been posted) made me wonder if she knew exactly what she had said herself and if she was saying what she had wanted to say. Then I was intrigued as to how her post would be interpreted by the hundreds of other posters, maybe further taking it away from the point she was originally making. The fact I understood part of the post she had made also made me wonder if the bit I understood was indeed what she had wanted to say. Perhaps the only bit that I understood was not something which she had meant to say, so just how much of the post could I accept as legitimate.


Then I wondered exactly how people see this board. If they don't understand what is being said (or they think they do but are misunderstanding) then they will be having a very different experience to what I personally have, and indeed what you have. Each person could be completely different to how you perceive them based purely on the way that you assimilate the posts that they make.


This stretches out to every day life too. There is a saying (I forget the exact phrasing) that if a lion could speak to you in your own language you still wouldn't be able to understand it, simply because it's life experiences and the way that it assimilates information would be so alien to your own, much in the same way that you could overhear a conversation between scientists discussing something you have no idea about. In that circumstance it is possible for the conversation to go completely over your head and feel as though they are speaking another language, even though they are not. Consider therefore the difference between different species, never mind fellow humans.


With all this in mind a slight paranoia took hold of me that there are a significant percentage who will misconceive you and the person who you are (indeed there will be different testimonies regarding you as a person depending on who is asked, some people will think you are one type of person whereas others will think you are completely different) and the actions you carry out in every day life. It stretches past language, to how you view certain events, whether it is on a moral basis or even down to how you see a colour (if for example you are colour blind) or the emotional tags you have connected to certain experiences which are different to everyone.


Everybody dies but your reputation outlives you, and in many respects is quite important as that is stuck with you long after you are gone and there is no way of you changing it after you have died. Admittedly this makes the whole both important and futile, as you have no control over it then, and there is nothing you can do nor will you care as you will be dead.


Basically a rambling post but how do you view the board, do you understand what I mean, and do you take care to phrase your posts to be understood by all or not bother as it's simply a message board of strangers? Have you ever been in a situation where you cannot understand how a person can think the way they do about someone?

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All of the questions you're asking. I really want to answer them but I don't know any of the answers. :tongue:


Haha, that's fine.


I do find it quite interesting that I'm not very good with green, greys and browns and therefore I literally see things differently to others, and that will affect my experience to an extent.


Is anybody else colour blind in any way? I have been told I'm not colour blind by the optician but that I struggle with certain colours sometimes if they are particular shades. If it is clear block colours there are no problems whatsoever.

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omg, boob is the same backwards and forwards :awesome:


Er...I view the board as kinda...nice? :lol: I dunno. There's only ONE person who's ever confused me though. :P


Perhaps even though you are not confused by certain people, you do not actually understand them but think that you do. You never know.

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Perhaps even though you are not confused by certain people, you do not actually understand them but think that you do. You never know.


I hope I understand people.

But I prolly don't tbh. :P


The word BOOB is almost like 3 sets of boobs.



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On a similar note one post that you can make can tarnish the entirety of everything you have ever posted because people associate you with that and read things into what you have said in the past alongside this new post and make all sorts of connections which may not really be there.


With regards to art and literature, an artists entire work can be viewed in a very different way if they commit suicide, even though not all of their work may have been connected to the single act they committed at the end of their life. People will see everything as depressing and look for signs and interpret it in their own way, negating the work to an extent and perhaps missing out on the true point that had been made upon the creation of the art in the first place.


Quotes made by people may only have been their opinion for a limited period of their life, though they are tagged to them forever. What they once may have believed can change, obviously, but quotes are permanent and it's difficult to take them back without issuing a new quote. This sin't even taking into account the words being taken out of context or falsified etc.

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I read it, the whole thing. And I see what you mean. It happend few times for me that I didn't understand some things people said, but I usually have the nerve and ask them. English is not my first language and I know that I can get misunderstood and that sometimes I misunderstand things. But all around I think its a nice place, yeah there are people that you like more and the ones you like less, but isn't it like that in the real world too?

I never met anyone from here in person but in a way I think of some people as my friends. I don't think its just "a message board of strangers".

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I don't think its just "a message board of strangers".


I don't think this would really be considered a "message board of strangers" either.


I can say we are somewhat acquainted with each other, most of us frequent posters who go outside the Coldplay Section? I mean, some of us have each other added on Facebook, Twitter, etc., so I suppose those of us who do so feel some sort of connection to one another (or we just add anybody who friends us on social networks, however I'm aware most don't).


Correct me if I'm wrong...

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In my opinion languages are the biggest barrier here. Whenever you're having an argument or you're trying to post a long comment (and english is not your first language) some people makes fun of your grammar and stuff and that makes me feel unconfortable even if it's a very stupid thing.


I also think the differences are not that big in a cultural way, I think you can find different kinds of people here just like in real life.


For me it's not just a board of strangers, it's easy to talk to people here and most of them are very friendly so it's easy to connect to them. Even if we live far from each other, we have something in common which means that even if our backgrounds are different, we still can relate to each other at some point. (not with everyone anyway)


Of course there are people I don't understand why they act in the way they do it but that also happens in the real world too.

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This because I was really bored after the first few paragraphs, had an idea of where this was going and thought this:


I don't even know if there is much to add either, if people were interested in what I had said.


There probably isn't anything to add or think about but I probably will read it.

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Incidentally I meant that it is a board full of strangers who will misinterpret you. Those who you know well will understand what you mean, usually. I was wondering if anyone cared about being misinterpreted. Looking at the sheer number of posters here it would be impossible to know everyone, let alone the regular posters/lurkers, especially if you weren't a regular poster/lurker yourself.

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In my opinion languages are the biggest barrier here. Whenever you're having an argument or you're trying to post a long comment (and english is not your first language) some people makes fun of your grammar and stuff and that makes me feel unconfortable even if it's a very stupid thing.


Exactly, english is my third language and it's not always easy finding the right word to use and be understood or not get embarrassed when someone quotes you...:facepalm:


I also think the differences are not that big in a cultural way, I think you can find different kinds of people here just like in real life.


This i don't agree with. I feel that culture differences are pretty evident on the board, for me at least. I don't post a lot and that's because people interpret my posts wrong sometimes and it gets confusing and intimidating.

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