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What annoyed you today?

Prince Myshkin

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finding out today that she has a boyfriend. I was seriously considering asking her out. At least I didn't make ask her and make a complete fool of myself


Also to kind of build off this how I'm annoyed how I feel I was led on as well as perhaps misinterpreted flirtation for just being friendly. ...well this is annoying.

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Also to kind of build off this how I'm annoyed how I feel I was led on as well as perhaps misinterpreted flirtation for just being friendly. ...well this is annoying.

I'm going to attempt to make lemonade out of lemons here.


Maybe you didn't misinterpret anything. I doubt you would have read her signals that wrong, so she probably was flirting. And if that's the case, would you really want to be with a girl who flirts with other people while she has a boyfriend? People like that usually don't magically stop when they move on to the next person.


This could really be a blessing in disguise, and possibly saved you from future heartache.

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I'm going to attempt to make lemonade out of lemons here.


Maybe you didn't misinterpret anything. I doubt you would have read her signals that wrong, so she probably was flirting. And if that's the case, would you really want to be with a girl who flirts with other people while she has a boyfriend? People like that usually don't magically stop when they move on to the next person.


This could really be a blessing in disguise, and possibly saved you from future heartache.


Well the only thing is that sometimes she did act kind of that way around other guys. But just to me her facial expressions and mannerisms would suggest to me flirtation, though of course I'm terrible at this things so... :lol:


but I guess you do have a point. It wouldn't be good to have a GF who flirts with other people. I guess it could've been good in that sense, but still it really sucks because I haven't really found many recently who I really liked. And like I said I was really considering asking her.


Though I do sort of find it a little weird how she brought it up out of the blue.

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Awww, poor Mike. :sad: :hug:


It could always be worse. You could be like me and get rejected every time you ask someone out. :disappointed:


that sucks :(


rejection really sucks (though I haven't experienced it a whole lot). The only good thing I can take out of it is that I didn't ask without knowing that already. Just because I would've probably made a fool of myself if I had asked, and I don't know if I could go back to work :lol:

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Yeah, it's pretty much become something I expect these days. :| But hey, it's whatever.




Now, to talk about something that sincerely irritated me just now. Somehow, a discussion with my brothers about the logistics of colors led to an argument with one of them (the older of the two) about the relevance of science. He said science didn't matter. He was like, "I don't depend on science," and I knew he was about to go on another Jesus talk with me. I wasn't going to have it, so I left. I can hear my brothers still debating in the living room. ARGH. :angry:

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My brother won't stop. OMIGAWSH. Stop acting like you suddenly know everything about God and the world because you changed your major to Christian ministry. AAAAAAAHHHHH! I want to punch him, I swear...

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Sigh, sounds like he's becoming one of those people that give people like me a bad name. :|

He should go be a missionary, that would get rid of him haha, and not the kind that tries to make people believe in God, that's what I'm gonna do. :wacko: h8az gon' h8~


edit: This is an awfully constructed post

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I hate to say it, and no offense you violet but he's an idiot to think that science is not important. Without science we'd still be living in the stoneage :lol: Also if he thinks he doesn't depend on science then perhaps he should live outside in a tent since most of what we do is because of science :lol:


I don't understand how people can have such strong convictions

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I hate to say it, and no offense you violet but he's an idiot to think that science is not important. Without science we'd still be living in the stoneage Also if he thinks he doesn't depend on science then perhaps he should live outside in a tent since most of what we do is because of science


tru dat bruhva

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Sigh, sounds like he's becoming one of those people that give people like me a bad name. :|

He should go be a missionary, that would get rid of him haha, and not the kind that tries to make people believe in God, that's what I'm gonna do. :wacko: h8az gon' h8~


edit: This is an awfully constructed post


I don't understand. :wtf:


I hate to say it, and no offense you violet but he's an idiot to think that science is not important. Without science we'd still be living in the stoneage :lol: Also if he thinks he doesn't depend on science then perhaps he should live outside in a tent since most of what we do is because of science :lol:


I don't understand how people can have such strong convictions


Nono, I'm not offended. I tried explaining to him all that science has brought, but he ignored that and tried to talk about all the bad things science has brought instead. I just gave up after a while. :|


Really, I should have known something was going to happen like this today after a comment he made earlier. I had made a joke earlier, and somehow this led to him talking about how God was responsible for such and such and blah.


You know, he used to not be like this. I miss how he was before he started going to college. </3

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I don't understand how people can have such strong convictions


Not to be facetious but it seems you have a pretty strong conviction about science > religion.


Today, my dog annoyed me. How dare you have to pee and make me take you. :mean:

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