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So, what do you guys think of the tracklisting?


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Are there any problems with it, in your opinions?


For me, the ETIAW -> Major Minus -> U.F.O. area was just bad. Along with HLH -> Paradise -> Charlie Brown, and UiF -> AHT.


So, I fixed it.


1. Mylo Xyloto

2. Hurts Like Heaven

3. Charlie Brown (though I call it Cartoon Hearts, cus I prefer that name. I put it here cus it keeps up the momentum from HLH, which I thought Paradise interrupted)

4. Paradise

5. Us Against the World

6. Major Minus

7. M.M.I.X.

8. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall (now it's literally the centerpiece)

9. U.F.O.

10. Princess of China

11. Up in Flames

12. Moving to Mars (Fits so well here, one last does of melancholy before the album's resolution, and the quiet at the end goes into AHT much better than UiF's abrupt ending did)

13. A Hopeful Transmission

14. Don't Let it Break Your Heart

15. Up With the Birds


EDIT: One last note. I increased the bass on the whole album.

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