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I might buy a fox

Matter-Eater Lad

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Guest LiquidSky
I'll get you one too.


No!! It'll eat my dog :angry: and then I'm gonna cry forever


PS: Are you guys done arguing?

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For the record, I wasn't arguing with you. We just have 2 different opinions :kiss::kiss::kiss: :P









or was I flirting?









Or am I just home sick bored?











or all 3?

















What was I talking about?

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Ron Paul isn't anti-gay. He may personally not agree with it but he stands on the view that the federal government shouldn't make it illegal to marry. He's the only candidate that really wouldn't stand in the way of a movement to make gay marriage legal. And that's a good leader, someone who can stand above his personal views or feeling to support the rights of everyone. Obama hasn't done much for gay marriage, nor any other major candidate besides Paul.


We need politicians who support your rights even if they don't agree with your lifestyle as long as it's not hurting others.

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Ron Paul isn't anti-gay. He may personally not agree with it but he stands on the view that the federal government shouldn't make it illegal to marry. He's the only candidate that really wouldn't stand in the way of a movement to make gay marriage legal. And that's a good leader, someone who can stand above his personal views or feeling to support the rights of everyone. Obama hasn't done much for gay marriage, nor any other major candidate besides Paul.


We need politicians who support your rights even if they don't agree with your lifestyle as long as it's not hurting others.


Yeah, I know he might be the only candidate who would let it be legal. See we can agree on some things.

However, I don't think he'll be happy about it. With his anti-government policy, he'll HAVE TO let it happen or he'll be seen as a hypocrite.

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Yeah, I know he might be the only candidate who would let it be legal. See we can agree on some things.

However, I don't think he'll be happy about it. With his anti-government policy, he'll HAVE TO let it happen or he'll be seen as a hypocrite.


I don't think he really cares enough about the issue to be unhappy about it. :|


Also, my friend is getting a fox as a college graduation present in four years. :nod:

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Dude, please, don't buy a fox. If you want a pet, buy a pet. A fox is not a pet. I know they're cute and smart, but they don't belong is a house with people, even if you have a big garden or whatever.

They belong in their natural habitat.

I've watched this movie once, where a girl who lives near a forest becomes kind of friend with a fox (it takes a lot of time though). At the end she feels she earned enough of its trust to bring it to her house. She takes it to her room, but it becomes crazy, jumps from the window, and dies (or almost, I don't really remember). I know it's only a movie, but it is a realistic one, i swear.

Anyway,I know you do what you want, but don't buy a fox. It wouldn't be a good idea for you, or for the fox.


And, don't make a fur coat of it :angry:

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Coeurli, the foxes MrLick is talking about are domesticated foxes.

Breeding of them already happens since the 1950's and after more than 40 generations I would say they can't be put back in their 'natural' habitat anymore.

Potbellied pigs are also bred as pets :laugh3:


See eg. http://cbsu.tc.cornell.edu/ccgr/behaviour/Index.htm about the research where they breed foxes for research. These foxes are as tame as dogs.

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Coeurli, the foxes MrLick is talking about are domesticated foxes.

Breeding of them already happens since the 1950's and after more than 40 generations I would say they can't be put back in their 'natural' habitat anymore.

Potbellied pigs are also bred as pets :laugh3:


See eg. http://cbsu.tc.cornell.edu/ccgr/behaviour/Index.htm about the research where they breed foxes for research. These foxes are as tame as dogs.


Oh. :shame:

Then I don't know. Still, a bit confusing. :thinking:

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You should look up the word domesticated...they're not wild animals but domesticated just like house cats and dogs. Not wild animals captured and kept but bred for homes. It's foxes born around humans and live their whole lives around humans. I wouldn't support it if it was capturing wild animals and selling them.


So they are the exact same as a domesticated dog or cat.



I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it is good to know that some breeds (like red foxes) are nocturnal.

But if you know you will be able to take care of it, with work and such, then it would be good. I think it would probably be better if you got a dog from a shelter, but that's just my opinion. Or at least look at them.






Though if I had a choice between a shelter dog and an arctic fox... I'd want an arctic fox ;___;



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Oh my god


you have to get one :dazzled:


As long as you're sure you have the time to look after it properly.


I presume you look after it more like a dog than a cat :thinking:


Yes, they're supposed to be like dogs, I think. And they can be trained to use a liter box.


fennecs are overrated btw


I'd rather have a Red one or Arctic but I don't think that'll work out in an apartment.

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