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Valentines Day The Verdict


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Every year this holiday gets dumber and dumber :nod:


I do agree that the holiday is mainly for companies to get people to spend extra money on things we dont actually need. Id rather splash out my a specila one when I feel like it not when I am told its the right day!



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so me it's simple my older cousin Tony (not Chris his son-in-law ) of Australia has become ill he will talk about sex with me or it was me who did not understand English or is someone else and steal the account on the net of my cousin.


the first that found me in real life I give him a chance. but I did not go mad with ill.............. grrr

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I totally take back all the bad things I said about Valentines day, I just couldnt believe my boyfriend I got home after a long day and he had the best suprise for me, A card on the table with a candle light dinner and inside the card was a gift of a massage! I love them! I used to go all the time when I was stressed but now I dont go because I dont have the time! I know its only in Ireland but I think my bfs a dreamboat.




I think I have the best bf in the world, unlöess it was Chris Martin. But dont say I said that!



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you has spent a good Valentine's Day is great for you with a real boyfriend ;)



for my part Chris Martin is married to Gwyneth Paltrow . I am fangirl and any question or influence my life .


here is a real thread, not have a boyfriend but if someone finds me. I am a single person .

and would go with a celebrity if I have finds a REAL BOYFRIEND one day and LOVE me REALLY and me too ? :thinking:


I also just asked someone on this forum I have just wanted to know, a fan Coldplay I saw his heart but he declined my invitation real . he loves more Coldplay in fiction .


So What is "unlöess" ? :thinking:

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I also just asked someone on this forum I have just wanted to know, a fan Coldplay I saw his heart but he declined my invitation real . he loves more Coldplay in fiction .


:dazzled: Who was it? :dazzled: :dazzled: :kiss: :daisy:

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a british but not matter anymore. I just wanted to know better the person for become friend before just have infinite or not. but the person prefered respected the celebrities and their so called love.


love is just in real life not in fiction . I am one of the most single girl invisible. I am a person off life and I'm not sure meem to have a heart to love someone. can not make the person who would be unhappy with me, love is something spontaneous and living.

and I can not be a person who is loved by someone without let felt love. I am sincere and true and this is my curse to be alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm aware of this, though I anticipated a similar taste. I do view slugs as homeless snails (as incorrect as this is) and it's also worth pointing out I don't know what slugs taste like so there could in fact be a comparison to be made.


All in all though, not as sluggish as I had anticipated.

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