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Stripping handpuppet!? Need your help!


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Hey guys,

you seem all so very friendly to me, so I wanna ask you for a favor. i'd really like to go to the US and study in california. since that is quite expensive, i applied for a scholarship. and i will get this scholarship, if a lot of people like my application on facebook!

i even produced a little video with a hand puppet - it is in german, but maybe you'd still like it ;-) i would be sooo grateful if you took only a little moment to visit http://bit.ly/GEaxe1 and click the green button at the end of the page. it will send you back to facebook, where you can declare that you don't want the application to interfere with your postings. then it will send you back to the scholarship homepage, where you only need to hit the green button again. that's it! you would make me very happy!



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