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A piece of advice, please.


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Hey guys. I have a little problem and I'd like to ask you, because now I can't contact to my friend.


At Saturday I have a party after exams with schoolmates. Some guys went away earlier, because they were a bit blazzed. Then my friends took my phone and texted with one mate (for example Tom). I like him and he was my partner during school party, but only as a friend. They wrote some stupid texts that I'm in love, I want something more at next time. He didn't know my phone number, but next day he asked someone about it and he know it was from my phone. Then he wrote to my other friend, one of the "writers" and said that he likes me as a friend, but nothing more etc. He also thinks now, that I organised this meeting to meet him and I'm in love. What makes me more mad is fact that one of this "writers" - my best friend doesn't see any problem with this.


And my question - what should I do know? Text him and said that it wasn't me or just ignore, because we end school and maybe don't meet soon? I've just feel ashamed. :/

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It's kinda awkward because if you just explain things there's a possible case of him not believing you and thinking it's an excuse


Gaaaaaaah I dunno but I wish you luck with this! Also not impressed with your friends but they probably think "it's just a joke, what's the harm?"

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That's awkward.


I'd just tell him the truth. I've come to realize that most people respect that, and if anything, he'll be flattered. If he treats it all awkwardly and self-indulgently, then is that someone you'd really be interested in anyway?

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That's awkward.


I'd just tell him the truth. I've come to realize that most people respect that, and if anything, he'll be flattered. If he treats it all awkwardly and self-indulgently, then is that someone you'd really be interested in anyway?


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There was a moment when I think that maybe we can try something more. But now, no. He tried to be kind and text to one of the "writers" that he feel a bit weird about it and don't know what to think. Next problem is that I really don't know what they wrote, because box was empty. Maybe he was embarassed becasuse of sexual proposals :blank: .


Thank you for help. I think I'll try to tell him the truth. Whatever he thinks now, maybe I'll feel mor comfortable.


Thanks! :)

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