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Gone But Not F Cotton Piano Chords - (Working)


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As requested by Aviv201498, here are some rough piano chords for Gone But Not F Cotton.


The song is very interesting because it's kinda like Coldplay took a bunch of their songs and threw it into a blender because this song really borrows a lot; You have bits of In My Place, Green Eyes, and even Prospekt's March.


Gone But Not F Cotton is in the key of A and usually just switches around from Amaj to Dmaj so the chords, with the variations I'm about to list, are open to interpretation. I just hope there's gonna be some sheet music for this song since it's a really nice song. Plus you can swap out Freane with "Friend" and make the song a bit more personal and sing it to people but I digress.


If anyone wants to make changes or suggest corrections post them below.



Amaj(AC#E) Amaj7(G#C#E)


Dm(FAD) Aaug(FAC#) Dm6(FAB)



Amaj(AC#E) Amaj7(G#C#E)

Yesterday I woke up to the news


I was very very sad to hear

Dm(FAD) Aaug(FAC#) Dm6(FAB)

My favourite show would disappear, and

Amaj(AC#E) Amaj7(G#C#E)

Today I'm filling up with blues


Though I'm happy that her tummy's growing

Dm(FAD) Aaug(FAC#) Dm6(FAB)

A DJ that we love is going



C# A F# E D E F# E C# A F# E D E F# E

How'm I gonna make it from 10 through to 1?

B G# F# E D E F# E B G# F# E D E F# E

And how'm I gonna tell her we'll miss her a tonne?

C# A F# E D E F# E C# A F# E D E F# E

How to tell her thanks for the records she played?

B G# F# E D E F# E B G# F# E D E F# E

Thanks for introducing us to Lana del Rey

C# A F# E D E F# E C# A F# E D E F# E

Thanks for the stories and all the good times

B G# F# E D E F# E B G# F# E D E F# E

Festival tales, Kilimanjaro climbs

C# A F# E D E F# E C# A F# E D E F# E

Thanks for all the mornings, in the Lounge we'd arrive

B G# F# E D E F# E B G# F# E D E F# E

And sweetly you'd tell us, "No swearing, we're live!"



Dmaj(ADF#) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E)

Oh Fearne you made all of my mornings fly

Dmaj(ADF#) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E)

Like the sun bursting through a cloudy sky

Dmaj(ADF#) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E)

And you'll be great at anything that you wanna try

Dmaj(ADF#) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E) D2(ADE) Amaj(AC#E)

Now it's hard, but it's time for us to say goodbye


So goodbye.





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