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Coldplay-Themed Wedding Playlist


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To all you Coldplayers who haven't had a wedding yet, which Coldplay songs would you include in your wedding playlist?


As for me, in no particular order:


-Always in My Head

-A Sky Full of Stars

-Amazing Day


-Adventure of a Lifetime

-Army of One

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During the kiss: bridge/chorus of "Army of One" to play.

Leaving the church: "Something Just Like This".

First dance: "Amazing Day" followed by "Adventure of a Lifetime"

Father-Daughter dance: don't know yet

Leaving the reception: "Amazing Day"

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Ink after the kiss....

Charlie Brown to start the first dance...

Clocks, don't know when, but I want it there too...


But it doesn't really matter the song... if I can convince my future partner to play any CP song during our wedding, that would be a dream come true :D

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No one has mentioned Viva La Vida yet ??


I would include in mine:


Viva La Vida

A Message

Green Eyes

In My Place

Crests of Waves

Amazing Day

Fix You


Speed of Sound

White Shadows

I Ran Away

Careful Where You Stand



For You


Don't Panic

I Bloom Blaum



Lovers in Japan



Things I Don't Understand


and probably many more...

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^ @I ran away, that ...list would be long enough for a wedding month, or the rest days of life :) pre-congratulations :heart: there was a coincidence: I met X&Y decoration during the wedding of a classmate from elementary school a few years back, and it turned out X and Y are the initials of the couple; on the other side, the classmate is indeed a musician/music teacher and began to play music as a kid, Coldplay, he definitely knows :)~ he agreed it would be a nice coincidence if he did choose Co.. songs to play on the day:)


~sorry for the pic size (sig.) problem at the moment

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