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Maroon 5

Sweet One

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Ok, so I've listen to it a couple of times but I'm a little disappointed...Dunno why, but I expected something..more, different...since the boys where talking about a big change and finally, it's just typical M5. I don't say it's bad but I'm a little disappointed regarding the 'change' bit.

Anyway, I like it but I'm not in love with it (for the moment). I need way more listening session to get suck into it.

For the moment, (apart for Misery+its accoustic) version, the first <3 track for me are: Stutter, Never gonna leave this bed, How...and I have a soft spot for the cover of Queen's 'crazy little things called love' (queen fan for ever).


So basically, I need more listening! ^^

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Well, I personally appreciate how they've managed to keep their signature sound. I guess I feel that Maroon 5 is one of those bands that wouldn't adapt to change as well as other bands. At any rate, the whole "Maroon 5"ness is why I fell in love with them in the first place. To me, they're much more than a pop band.

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I kinda wish CP would write songs about sex like M5:wink3: They are so damn sexy, so why not?!

:laugh3: tries to imagine Chris posing with his microphone like Adam does...




This kind of manwhore songs suit Adam well, but not Chrissy :rolleyes: . It would be fun though to see him try for a parody show or something XD

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I kinda wish CP would write songs about sex like M5:wink3: They are so damn sexy, so why not?!


I don't really think it's in Coldplay's character to write such things. Although, to be fair, there WAS "The Nappies," which is still one of the most hilarious songs ever...


:laugh3: tries to imagine Chris posing with his microphone like Adam does...




This kind of manwhore songs suit Adam well, but not Chrissy :rolleyes: . It would be fun though to see him try for a parody show or something XD


OMFG. :bomb: Despite the fact that I'm not normally into guys that are that tatted up, and despite the fact that he's not the type of guy I would actually want to date, Adam is incredibly hot, and that photo completely reminded me of that. :dead:

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Adam changed his avi on twitter... Wasn't he cute? :blush:




OMFG. :bomb: Despite the fact that I'm not normally into guys that are that tatted up, and despite the fact that he's not the type of guy I would actually want to date, Adam is incredibly hot, and that photo completely reminded me of that. :dead:


I think we can't deny he's hot but my heart goes to the lovely Jesse :heart:


Adam says: you're right, Jesse is the best of us!









@Violetsparks: nice new avi!! XD

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