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Sweet One

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Ok, who's seen this movie?? I remember watching it when it first came out in theatres b/c i was such a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan (his movies Hard Eight and Boogie Nights are still my favourite). At first i thought this movie was really well done, very interesting with an incredible cast.


But last night it was on again and finally i actually started asking questions as to what this movie is all about. For anyone who's seen it, can you just answer one question: What the hell is up with the frogs??


I mean, it just boggled my mind.


:) Stank you

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It was a great movie. I love the scene with frogs falling out of the sky. Although I dont really know what it meant - its an obscene thing. Maybe it's suppose to know that life is very very strange and almost anything can happen. Or maybe its in reference to all the frogs dying?

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speedy service


I love the scene with frogs falling out of the sky. Although I dont really know what it meant - its an obscene thing. Maybe it's suppose to know that life is very very strange and almost anything can happen. Or maybe its in reference to all the frogs dying?


hmmmm...i think i began to overanalyze it thinking, "how will the news explain such an event?" :lol:


But yes, it's a great movie. Julianne Moore was insane in it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really love when the girl (Claudia Wilson in the movie) says to the policeman (Jim Kurring): "Now that I met you, wouldn't object to never seen each other again?". It's a brillant quote, inspired in the Aimee Man's song that goes just then.


I also like when they sing a song, from scene to scene... "It's not going to stop..." Really impressive. :)

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haha..i liked that part too, but one thing i didn't understand was, was everyone listening to that same song at that moment? Because Claudia had it on in her apartment, so i'm assuming it was on the radio or something. :smug:


Yeah, but even with all these questions. I like this movie a lot. I love when Tom Cruise is being questioned by the journalist and he's not saying anything and she was like, "Frank, what are you doing?" and he answered, "I'm quietly judging you." He looked so pissed.

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