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They have a problem.. with one of their computers that tells them when they print money I think and a technician can not find the right cable to test.


I hope your BF is OK.. is he not answering his phone ?? I know its far as you told me..

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oooh, I see! Hopefully he'll be able to find the right one soon!


Thankgod he's just phoned me. He's doing well. And that's all I wanted to hear! :nice:


On to a new level? Do you mean that you're more obsessed about it than ever?

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He found it as well.. but we still have problems..

I am happy you are OK now...

Yes.. my level of obsession is more than ever before.. I have taken up to adding my latest signature.... ! Dont worry about me it will pass :lol3:

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I feel really relieved, you can't imagine. Thanks! Now I'm happy again too! :)


haha, I know it will pass, you just need some time to do so. And speaking about obessions, you're talking to the right person, I can tell you. I get obsessed with people, bands and films so easily that it ccan be a bit scaring.

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Someone on here said I was special tpday

Bart, that's so cool! That's gotta be really, really rare! Here, we did have snow once in June, and once in July even.. but those are very rare as well!! So, you're special because the Weather Gods recognized you as important!
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I am now in a conference call with 3 different people in three different parts of the uK..

I am just listening really, they are speaking technical stuff...


My worry is that I have to call the customer to tell them they still have a problem we can not fix yet... !

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Yeah, it was a bit strange. Like yesterday. Yesterday was a strange day too, for a minute there I wasn't sure if it was summertime. In the afternoon I went to the beach but unfortunately I didn't take a bath because it got all cloudy and started to rain afterwards.


Don't worry, call the customer if that's what you've got to do. You've tried to do your best to solve the prob, haven't you?

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Yes we have... I am will look like a saint at the end of it.. ! I am rally good and making people feel better... I have a talent on the phone.. I can make them so happy they cry, and I sometimes if they are bad to me I can make them cry... as well..


yesterday I was a little scared it got so Dark..so early. and the wind was coming from the air ventalation shafts at work it was getting really windy... !

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Wow, that's really good for you! I don't think I'm such a powerful person that I can make people who I don't know feel better or cry.


That wasn't an usual thing to happen here in Barcelona and yeah, it was a bit scaring. Anyway, I was looking forward to going out at night and neither the rain nor the wind would have stopped me :)

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Cool... hope u had a good time.. u will have to recomend a few places.. I never go to clubs... etc.. I am more of a Bar man.. but now and again I do need to go to them.


I remember my first experince at the Apollo... well some of it.. I atually got of with someone I have been told.. but never rememberd.. I was that mashed..

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I reckon if I was not in Zona Franca with Mountric facing me it would not be so scary...

its looks really big at times and when you can see the clouds rolling around the old cementry and it gets dark it feels spooky

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Yes, I had a good time! Don't know if you may like it - one of my favourite discoteques to go to is Razzmatazz. Not sure if you've heard of it before, but I really like the music the DJ puts on. Also, it's got several rooms with different kinds of music.

haha, I know you're more of a Bar man. Soon you'll know most of the Barcelona's bars.


You shouldn't have drunk that much that day, man!! :P Look what happens? Now you remember nothing of it!!

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Yes I have been to Razzmatazz once to see Kasbian and once to see Quicksand remedy .. but never been too a club night.. I have been told they play a lot of indie music in there I would like.. and more than likley to meet like minded people.


I sent the school a email I go to today saying I want more clases till the end of the year... but I want a better rate than I am being charged. I held back saying how much I would like to meet that teacher again, I had my chance.. a five second chance to ask and I never did


this is quite funny



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oh, great!

Exactly, that's the kind of music they usually play, and believe me, there aren't many discos in Bcn where they put on indie music, so that's why, when I go out, I end up choosing Razz :)


Hopefully you'll have that teacher again!! Well, let's see what happens!


Would you believe me if I told you I've watched this video this morning? And the funniest thing is that he said he had a backache!! hahaha.

I also saw this one as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMBmtkjMzUQ

it made me laugh out loudly, that man is so mannered if you know what I mean :D

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Too late for the teaher .. I am sure you know me by now.. unless I act on the moment I have too much time to think about those things, and I am not the same as I was on the first meeting.


I found that after thinking about it I did not really fancy the American girl ( in that way) I seen this week, I think she wanted to go with me at one point, despite that I said to her before hand, but I was not really that intrested I was not too botherd when she was going home.. ( I will still be a friend to her though if she wants to be)...



Edit: I will watch the video as soon as I finished this call... thanks !!

and I will go to the Razz very soon !

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Watch the video, seriously, it will take you less than a minute and even if the quality image is shite, I find it really fun!! :D


Well, in this case it's not worth it to keep thinking about this teacher if you know it's too late...


At first it looked like you DID fancy the American girl but yeah, you could be friends, why not? Look, when it comes the moment (if it comes) in which she tells you she wants more than a friendship, then you can clarify this aspect with her, otherwise, I suppose she only wants to be friends with you.

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Cool ! :lol: :D he must have liked dancing...


I remember a refere once laughing when he sent of a player... !

it was really funny...


oh yea


you picked up a northern english word of this board or of me ....

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yeah!! At times it seemed like he was skating in an ice rink! It even made me think of a deer jumping on the pitch :lol:


haha, there're plenty of things that can happen in a football match or so it seems!


and what's the word? shite, maybe? haha

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