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I am fine.... I am going to get some food...

Its a Actriz called Catherine Tate.

She played a main character (Donna Noble) in the Series I become obsessed with.... Dr Who


I did not like at 1st but she turned out to be the best assitant to the Doctor than all of them I have seen

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I am fine.... I am going to get some food...

Its a Actriz called Catherine Tate.

She played a main character (Donna Noble) in the Series I become obsessed with.... Dr Who


I did not like at 1st but she turned out to be the best assitant to the Doctor than all of them I have seen

ok, chinese food?

an actress= una actriz

i hadn't watched Dr Who yet :embarassed:


i see, so it is a bit like Monk :thinking: that he has an assitant.

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Sexy arse, me? mwhaaha :lol:


I'm doing well. Lately I've been feeling really happy for no apparent reason. Well, deep down there is a reason - these past months I was really worried about certain troubles and I did nothing but thinking about them all day, so of course it didn't help me whatsoever. Thankgod it seems that I've changed my attitude... and now I try not to be that obsessed with them.


And how are you?

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Perhaps what should be now a countdown for your temp move... up north... is making you think better...

when i was in Manchester.. i was a lot more portive about things than i neormally was as u know i was heading for a change


i have been fine... went to the beach yesterday but the person I who invited me never stopped. i know i am a chatter box, but everything described it every little detail oh no..


I was doing well before that, not even getting to speak English with people for a few days, always good for me.


Also do you have to get results this year from your exams. ?

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yeah, I think you're right. A few months ago I felt as if my brain didn't assimilate I would be moving to Aberdeen on Sept. Of course I knew I would do that but since there was so much time left to go there, I suppose I still felt it wouldn't happen for real. But now - I've already applied for accommodation and I even know the number of my room - everything looks more real.


The person who invited you never stopped? Does that mean that you made an appointment with someone and he/she didn't turn up?


Ah, glad to hear you've been speaking Spanish. Surely this will help you to improve it.


Well, regarding my degree my marks have been so good. Honeslty. I still find it hard to believe. About a month ago I took an English test (to get a Cambridge certificate) but I'm afraid I failed it. I will know the results of it next week, on Fri.

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they never stopped talking... i got a break when i feel asleep for a hour.... i went to castedelfields...i went in the sea as i had to spend a penny :sneaky:



the castle looks good though , i have been taking a break from drinking... i dont know how long for



i will be asking u how u did next frinday... that is not this friday u mean

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oh god.

Spending a penny in the sea? You shouldn't do that. Or at least you shouldn't admit you do it. It's VD / and VD is for Very Dirty :P


yeah, exactly, I was referring to Fri of next week! Thanks... but you'd better not ask me how I did. I don't want to tell other people that I get bad marks! haa.

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oh dear it was bad of me... but i had no where else to go... plus I thought it was about time I entered the sea for the 1st time..


I did not have long as the other guy was sleeping...


I might have a party Mid August at my flat.. the flat mates think its a good idea...

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Okay, I understand it was such a big need. You really had the urge to pee... and that's all. haha :) How did it feel (the fact of entering the sea for the 1st time)? Was the water warm enough for you?


That's nice!! How is it going with your flatmates, everything Ok? And what about the "weird" one?

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hallo ?

How are you ??

I am a little peed... with my boss I sent him a email from as soon as I knew there was the COLDPLAY concert and another requesting the gracia festival off from the start of this month.


I had no response, so I printed out the email I sent him showing the date when I sent it.

Today I got in checked my schedule.. I am working for the gracia festival. :( I was going to orgainse a party.


Also he still has not got to my about the 6th September. I am saying this now, if I dont get it. I will still go, I have now go one to send the email along with all the others he has not responded to his boss and to his boss as well.


Apart from that I am super.

I got a much cheaper rate with my classes (15€ per hour) as I said I am doing them till the end of November, then I hope to go on Holiday ( you have to consider though if I get them)

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haha, what a coincidence! I just said hello at the same time than you.


I'm fine even though a bit tired. I didn't sleep well last night, maybe it was 'cos of the heat. Peed? What do you mean with that?


I don't understand something. If you want to have some days off, why don't you talk to your boss face to face? Sending an email isn't the best way to ask for holidays because he can always say he didn't get your email, etc.


15€? mm, it's still somewhat expensive. I reckon the "normal" price for a 1h class is 10€.

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I never see my boss. As I work the weekends.. so the next best thing I can do is send a email.


All he can do is ring me to see if I am going out on a night out then he remembers that I am working ! :(


As for the classes I did do classes for 10€´s a hour, but the teacher was very bad with me, once i tuned up at her house and she was still sleeping. Also she got me to do written work most of the time, and whilst I was doing this she was busy preaparing for other classes.


Plus there was no schedule to them, I think i told you about that.


I hope my moaning stops soon. I can even cope with not having the Gracia festival off, but as for the 6th Setember Ari is coming. Coldplay are coming too.. and I am going regardless. Apart from ill health or a tradegy back in the uK with my family. Nothing will stop me going.. even if it means me walking out on my job. I have been offerd another job...

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Oh, I see. But maybe you could have seen him the working days just to tell him that personally?


It seems she was a really bad teacher. It would have been better if she had asked you to do some homework for the following day, so you'd have had enough time to think about it... Also, she could have checked your mistakes not DURING the lessons, but afterwards.


I'm sure you'll find a way to come to the gig on Sept, even if you've got to give your boss some [lame] excuse.

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Dont worry I am going.. !


Did I tell you I made some amazing chicken pasta the other night... ?


I am looking for pics of barcelona to post in the thread entiled post pics of the city you live in...


Come on Iris... we live in the best dont we... Lets find some amazing pics of our truly wonderful town, the best in the world...

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