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I am sorry this thread is a bit catchy for the eye but you know...

I just wanted to say how much i love "A rush of blood to the head"...


he said I´m gonna buy this place and burn in down....




so I´m gonna buy a gun and start a war, if you can tell me something worth fighting for...


oh god. this song means so so so so much to me. I dont know why but I have to cry everytime I listen to it. for the fact of my lack in english somehow this song does not make sense to me.


so could anybody tell me what this song explains? I mean I understand the whole text but I cant read between the lines when you know what I mean....

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a rush of blood to the head is that it sounds like coldplay and no

a rush of blood to the head is fantastic

a rush of blood to the head is what is commonly known as a grower

a rush of blood to the head is a consolidated evolution from

a rush of blood to the head is coldplay's masterful follow

a rush of blood to the head is as good as rock gets

a rush of blood to the head is the perfect follow

a rush of blood to the head is presumably ironic

a rush of blood to the head is overwhelming

a rush of blood to the head is quite simply a masterpiece

a rush of blood to the head is better

a rush of blood to the head is released today

a rush of blood to the head is as bold and intelligent

a rush of blood to the head is certainly an interesting musical journey

a rush of blood to the head is a soulful

a rush of blood to the head is pretty simple and eye catching – a technical style drawing of a person

a rush of blood to the head is more of the same

a rush of blood to the head is coldplay's sophomore release which follows the massively successful parachutes from 2000

a rush of blood to the head is not a huge jump from 2000's parachutes

a rush of blood to the head is the best album of 2002

a rush of blood to the head is of a

a rush of blood to the head is a nervier

a rush of blood to the head is zwaar geïnspireerd door de aanslagen van 11 september

a rush of blood to the head is now available

a rush of blood to the head is the

a rush of blood to the head is challenged with the task of progressing the band's credentials at home

a rush of blood to the head is so much better

a rush of blood to the head is an album of emotional growth

a rush of blood to the head is unlikely to produce classic

a rush of blood to the head is undoubtedly one of the best new albums i've listened to in a long time

a rush of blood to the head is more textured

a rush of blood to the head is out august 27

a rush of blood to the head is coldplay's long awaited follow up to their hugely successful debut album parachutes

a rush of blood to the head is out

a rush of blood to the head is de opvolger ven het succesvolle debuut parachutes

a rush of blood to the head is assured and confident

a rush of blood to the head is a departure from parachutes as chris martin & the boys become more melodic

a rush of blood to the head is their latest album

a rush of blood to the head is coldplay's last record

a rush of blood to the head is

a rush of blood to the head is released

a rush of blood to the head is due to arrive tomorrow

a rush of blood to the head is amazing





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I could probably give you an answer but I risk being attacked by some one because there must be a thread about this very subject somewhere al ready :o :o



:P:P:P But I don't care!



What I feel that it's about is:

Nothing really matters in life as long as you have no one to love by your side...

Like he says that he's gonna buy that place and burn it down and buy a gun and start a war. He's kinda given up on life and everything and has no reason really to go on any more... and he doesn't care about anything really coz he's done so many stupid things to have lost that loved one.

And all he wants is her to come back to him ... hence... meet me by the beach... meet me by the lake... when am I gonna see that pretty face again. And that she should really forgive him coz it was all in a moment of madness hence... blame it all upon a ruch of blood to the head..


Okay... I hope this make sense... :confused: ... I could have expressed this with many expensive words, but my tired body wasn't up for it.

So I hope you understand it a bit ;)

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