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Anyone who has muchmusic....your help is needed.

Sweet One

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The man, George S. (not gonna attempt to spell that last name) has left Much Music. They have his goodbye announcement on the website, but whenever I click to find out why he's leaving it doesn't work and no one else I know knows why, so does anyone else know? And if not, can you check on the site for me?? :sneaky:


I'm not a fan of Much, but I would like to know why the only good VJ (who actually knew what the hell he was talking about when he interviewed people) is leaving the station.


Thanks. :)

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hey sweet marianne while you are talking to your friend at much can you let her know that whoever though hiring that fro ho sarah taylor was a good idea should be fired.


also let them know that devon should not be given an extended contract as he is terrible at vjaying.


watching much music lately has become painful.

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whoever though hiring that fro ho sarah taylor was a good idea should be fired.


I CAN'T STAND HER!! She uses her hands waaaaay too much when she talks! She's all over the place! I get dizzy watching her introduce a video.


And Devon is just plain weird.

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if devon didn't have nice hair he would not have even been considered. he's such a pretty boy and i'm sure he's a nice guy - but he makes for a horrid vj. he has no personality, loses his train of thought easily and always stumbles over his words. it is frustrating to watch.


and sarah is okay at her delivery and has a somewhat good sense of humour but she really comes off as an airhead who knows nothing about music and is (and WAS) basically only picked to be a vj based on her good looks.


i miss bradford!

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he has no personality, loses his train of thought easily and always stumbles over his words

DOES HE EVER! It's almost painful!


Sarah's hands still bother me. Annoying.


Bradford really was a good VJ. He was funny, totally calm, and had a great on screen presence.

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I like Ian Handsome-man-thing


HAHAHAHAHAH!! I love him too! For one of my assignments, I emailed the CBC and asked about one of the news stories that was on Newsworld, and Ian wrote me back! hahha.. I WAS LIKE! OMG! i love that man!!


He's just so intelligent looking and he's got a deep voice. :lol:

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