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so what does everyone else's saturdays look like?


It looks like laundry day. :cool:


I have 3 HUGE piles on my bedroom floor that I am determined to have finish by the end of the day. But the stupid laundry room in my building is too busy. :dozey:

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ha yea, i have a huge pile of clothes on my floor but its not because they need to be washed they just kinda have gotten pulled out of the dresser, and i think i never put some of my laudry away from last week :stunned: whoops i was too busy. but yea the machines on my floor are always full and the girls can be vicious they will take your clothes out and put them on top if your not back in there to remove them like 5 min after they're done :angry: yea i dont' like people rummaging through my clothes

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Although, one time, my machine was done literally 3 minutes before I got down and someone had pulled it out and put it on top of the machine...they were my underwear!! Needless to say, I was pissed (and slightly grossed out) and now i've become ruthless. I go ape shit crazy about my laundry. No touching, please.

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right on!! i don't want god knows whos hands on my underwear and other clothing, i don't know where they've been or what they've done :lol: and i dont' wanna have to RE-wash just because they feel the need to use the washer like 5 min sooner!!

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right on!! i don't want god knows whos hands on my underwear and other clothing, i don't know where they've been or what they've done and i dont' wanna have to RE-wash just because they feel the need to use the washer like 5 min sooner!!


I hear ya! :thumbsup:

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