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Why backing tracks?


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I noticed on several occations that when the band do a live appearance on TV of Speed of Sound, I can't help but focus on both sets of keyboards to see if anyone is actually playing them. Come on guys, lets have the truth, of the current tour, are there ANY tracks that don't have a backing track to? On one screening, Chris got up too early, only to leave the piano still playing it's final couple of notes????

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what's the difference? the difference is that it's kind of shitty if they are not really playing on tour (even though everything appeared right when I saw them). Sure lip sync would be horrible too but people pay a shitload of money to see them PLAY. If lip syncing is worse, you wouldn't care that the other guys aren't actually playing?

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it would be one thing if the guys are pretending to play their instruments and sing ( :lol: just the thought of that is funny). but i understand if bands/singers use backing tracks and vocals. After so many shows, they are bound to screw up. it doesn't hurt to have some assistance.

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I do believe that the vocals were live, and also believe that each member of the band did their own thing live. But even if synths are used in studio sessions by the band, a session musician as 'guest' would be more genuine than KNOWING we're listening to a backing synth track that the band HAS to follow. Keane are a fine example of not being fully live - where is their bass player???

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THey dont have one....

Their a guitarless band!


Yes, but you DO hear one! Their bassplayer is in the laptop. I think Coldplay use the backing tracks for some additional synthesizer instrumentation. Guy can't possibly play synthesizer and bass at the same time so they either have to take away the synths or play them from a backing tape. The backing track is just used for additional instruments, every instrument you see on the stage is playing played live and is not recorded on the backing track i think.

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THey dont have one....

Their a guitarless band!


Yes, but you DO hear one! Their bassplayer is in the laptop. I think Coldplay use the backing tracks for some additional synthesizer instrumentation. Guy can't possibly play synthesizer and bass at the same time so they either have to take away the synths or play them from a backing tape. The backing track is just used for additional instruments, every instrument you see on the stage is playing played live and is not recorded on the backing track i think.


Yep, that's exactly it. And I personally don't have a problem with that. Unless Guy grows another pair of hands, they don't have much choice! ;)

As for Keane - it's all down to the magic laptop... it does restrict their show a little (they can't be spontaneous) but again, I've never had a problem with the sound at their live shows or felt cheated in any way.

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