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I tried searching to see if there were any topics for this festival, but having not found any immediately, I just figured I might as well start my own thread.


This is the biggest music event I will have gone to, as up to now I've only made it to local gigs, and Coldplay haven't come within 200 miles of where I live, so I haven't been able to see them live yet.


I'm extremely excited about this event, it's under a month from now that it starts, and it's something I've been anticipating for four or five months. Major dork. ;)


Anybody else here making it to this festival? Overall the bill is absolutely amazing, in my eyes only Glastonbury can rival it. The price is right, too. $105 for all of the bands on the bill is ridiculous - I immediately picked out 30 bands that I wanted to see. About $3.50 per show. Not bad!


There are still one day tickets, which you can buy three of for a total of $150 (still a steal) and if not you can always go next year - although Coldplay might not be back.


This gig doesn't get a lot of coverage, so I didn't know if anyone else here was going to make it.

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