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The 57th Annual Primtime EMMY Awards


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who's watching this??? I am hooked on award shows.. well not all of them.. but chances are if an award show is on.. I'd probably be watching it.. :embarrased: But Ellen was hosting.. and she's hella funny... so, I watched.


Anyhoo... I just saw the Peter Jennings tribute was really good!! I really felt that bit.. I guess it struck out the old 'reporter' in me.. yes, I once in my day.. was a journalist in HS then majored in College but never finish.. :embarrased: :cry: maybe one day I'll go back. *sighs*


so.. who's watching..

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Whoa... this is tonight? I thought the Emmies were in March or something. :freak:


I'm not much of a TV watcher.


Did Arrested Development win anything? I remember them being nominated for Emmy awards or something. And that's like the only show on TV that I still watch. Well, I guess I've been watching Stella regularly too but that's only been around for a couple months.

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it was pretty boring but still--better than the freaken mtv awards

Ellen was hilarious-----

and, as everyone knows

<<<-------- I loved the family guy things

i was actually switching back and forth from the award show and family guy(new)


YES everybody loves raymond won---that was kool

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Whoa... this is tonight? I thought the Emmies were in March or something. :freak:


I'm not much of a TV watcher.


Did Arrested Development win anything? I remember them being nominated for Emmy awards or something. And that's like the only show on TV that I still watch. Well, I guess I've been watching Stella regularly too but that's only been around for a couple months.


they won a few writing awards.. which has peaked my interest in the show.. I may just watch it tonight..


and the daytime EMMYs are in March.. the primetime ones are usually this time of year. ;)

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Overall, I thought the show was kinda bland. Ellen was funny at the beginning but as the show went on, it was just slow and boring. And all the jokes that the presenters were saying just bombed like crazy.


Oh, and I'm glad desperate housewives didn't win best comedy. that show is not funny. arrested development should have taken it. I love that show.

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