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March 30 Concert


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I'm back. The opening act was really really really bad! :stunned:


The concert was great though. They did a tribute to Johnny Cash. They played for about 90 mins I believe. The place was not full at all, we had seats empty next to us. I hope some goodies start floating around; they sounded really great tonight.:D

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Really? You didnt like Richard Ashcroft??!?!


OMG he was awful. He was screaming in the mic. People around us were covering tier ears. The audience sang Bittersweet Synpmohiny. When the song began everyone around was all WOOT Great Song" and then "WTF he's not singing."

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greetings!! Yeah, Richard didn't sound that great tonight as he explained he had bronchitis and his set was scaled back to 5 songs from the 8 he's been doing (at least when i saw him in cleveland it was 8). I don't know if he was THAT bad, but to each their own.


Coldplay seemed really happy to be there, with chris saying, "We're very proud to be playing here in Chicago" which actually caused him to mess up the first two lines of the concert. He later told us that if we felt we had been ripped off due to his shady act, he said to send letters to Guy at his home in London and he'd reply to every letter. He also said that they were happy to be in chicago and how he loved how chicago folks enjoy good tunes.



1. Square one

2. Politik

3. Yellow

4. Speed of Sound

5. God Put a smile upon your face

(chris changed the end of the first verse to: "Some places we play are pretty shitty; now we're doing two sold out shows in the Windy City" and then kicked into the chorus)

6. What if?

7. Don't panic (jon sang second verse)

8. White Shadows

9. the Scientist

10. till Kingdom Come (acoustic)

11. Ring of Fire (Acoustic) Cash cover (duh)

12. Trouble (acoustic) (I think Jon's guitar did something funky and Chris got giggling about it and they started the second verse over)

13. Clocks

14. Talk


15. Swallowed in the Sea

16. In my place

17. Fix You


Overall, GREAT SHOW. Crowd sucked at times though, at least where i was at. Some folks didn't know any tunes and these obnoxious girls in front of us only got excited when they showed chris on the big screen.


Ashcroft's setlist:

1. Keys to the World

2. the Drugs Don't work

3. New York

4. She's So High

5. Bittersweet Symphony


Sadly, i won't be at tonights show, but my gut tells me they'll change the setlist. Cheers!

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Yeah, the people around us were weird .. these dudes to our side were starting to get into a fight. Weirdness. The crown really got into Fix You for some reason, even though they have a ton of other good songs ...

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